February From the Secretary’s desk

My Brethren,


Hope you’re first month of 2025 has treated you well!  As I learn the ropes of my new role as Secretary, you will observe that the 2025 dues were a bit tardy in getting mailed out.  At this point, all Brothers should have received your dues notices.  We have made them payable by QR code, which is on the notice itself.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


In addition, we have begun to have informal Past Master’s Meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month.  The next one will be February 10th, 2025 at 6:30pm with an officers rehearsal immediately following.  All Past Masters and Line Officers are encouraged to attend the meetings moving forward.


Finally, as Secretary, I am working on putting together new protocols and SOP’s for the lodge around various topics such as candidate interaction, officer duties and responsibilities, etc.  These are not meant to be the work of an individual member and should have input from all Brothers interested in doing so.  So if you have any ideas on how to improve our Lodge, please reach out.  Once drafts of each topic are available, I will share with the lodge for comment and feedback.


Fraternal Regards,

W:. Scott K. Parry

Secretary, Smithtown Lodge No. 1127

The post February From the Secretary’s desk first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

February From the South

I would like to start off by saying that the first- degree we performed at our last meeting, was impeccable. I like to give my thanks to Bro. Gleb who did the Marshall work for the first time at Smithtown Lodge. All of his placements of the brothers in their proper places were just like we rehearsed. That’s why, it is important to get out to the rehearsals, especially if you have a speaking part or a part in the actual degree. I want to also mention that Gleb did a great job with the working tools which again was his first attempt Performing this ritual piece at Smithtown Lodge. Last but not least I would like to give special thanks to W:. Bill Montzouts on an outstanding  performance rendering the ritual work of the first degree charge! In summing up I would say the work of the evening was some of the best I’ve seen in the district in a long time. I am not trying to be biased by that statement, but if you travel as much as I do, you see a lot of strange things. Be safe, my brothers and keep up the good work.

J W Stu Smith


The post February From the South first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

February 2025 From the West


Happy ground hog day, well who really knows if we are going to have a early spring or not. We all need to show our support for an upcoming District Deputy visit. I would like to congratulate the new  masons completing their first Degree.

Let us embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and continue building our fellowship and dedication.

Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post February 2025 From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

February 2025 From the East


As we enter the month of February, I want to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation for each of you. The energy and commitment you bring to our Lodge is what makes us strong, and as your Worshipful Master, I am excited to continue our journey together in the new year.

First, I want to offer my heartfelt congratulations to Vincent Buffolino, Dennis P. Mirante, and Michael Pyzikiewicz, who were initiated as Entered Apprentices  in January. We are proud to welcome them into the ranks of our craft.

• February 26th, we will complete their initiation with the presentation of the historical lecture for the First Degree, which was postponed from the degree. Let us all come together to show our continued support and celebrate their journey in Freemasonry.

• February 12th marks our annual visit from the District Deputy Grand Master, R:.W:. Robert J. Licata. This visit is a significant occasion for our Lodge, providing an opportunity to hear from our District leadership and engage with the broader Masonic community. I strongly encourage all brethren to attend, as your presence will make this event even more meaningful. This visit is a reminder of the greater Masonic family to which we belong, and it’s a time for us to reflect on the state of our Lodge and the progress we’ve made together.

Your attendance, participation, and commitment are what makes our Lodge strong. Let’s continue to work together to ensure that we make the most of the opportunities ahead.

W:. William Hanson
Worshipful Master

The post February 2025 From the East first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

January 2025 From the South

As the 2024 Masonic year comes to an end, we reflect on the accomplishments we achieved in the form of education from our master. Going forward into 2025. I’m really excited about hosting the school of instruction that will cover the floor work for upcoming degrees. Brothers, let’s make an effort for all of the offices to come out to the rehearsal and all of the brothers that have key parts in upcoming degrees to show up for all rehearsals. Smithtown lodge has a very good reputation for putting on excellent degrees. Be safe, my brothers and have a happy new year!


S W Stuart H. Smith

The post January 2025 From the South first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

2025 January From the West


Happy New Year, Brothers! I am looking forward to an exciting and revitalized year ahead. We have a lot to look forward to, starting with the School of Instruction. Additionally, a First Degree is on the horizon, and we must also prepare for an upcoming District Deputy visit.

Let us embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and continue building our fellowship and dedication.

Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post 2025 January From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

January 2025 From the East


Happy New Year to each of you! As we begin this new year, it’s a time for fresh beginnings, new opportunities, and renewed dedication to the values that make our Lodge strong. I hope you all had a restful holiday season and are ready to embark on another successful year together.

Looking ahead, January is an important month for our Lodge.We’ll kick off the year with a Masonic education session on January 8th, where our own Stu Smith will lead a school of instruction centered on the first degree. I ask that all members attend and participate in what promises to be an enlightening evening.

This couldn’t be more timely as for our second meeting (January 22nd), we will be conducting a First Degree with the addition of three new brothers to the Craft. Let’s all make an effort to show the new Brothers what Freemasonry, and more specifically, What Smithtown Masonry is all about. With that being said, I would like to see all involved officers and Brothers on January 13th and 20th ( both Monday evenings) for rehearsals.

Wishing you all a productive and fulfilling January, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meetings and events. Together, let’s make this year one of meaningful progress and fellowship.

W:. William Hanson
Worshipful Master

The post January 2025 From the East first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

LIPMA hosts Masters, Wardens & Deacons of the District

Attending the meeting held last night, January 29th, 2025, was a pleasure at Riverhead Lodge of the Long Island Past Masters Assoc. (LIPMA). The Suffolk District Team, led by R:.W:. Robert J. Licata, DDGM, brought together the Masters, Wardens, and Deacons of the Suffolk Masonic District for a discussion about reconstituting the Masters, Wardens, and Deacons Assoc. (MWDA).

W:. Terry Maccarone and V:.W:. Jerimiah Campbell did a fantastic job in putting the presentation together and I believe all in attendance took away valuable and actionable advice and guidance.

W:. Dominick Peppaceno and W:. Kevin Geiger whipped up a delicious meal for all attending and there was very little left over.

It is the hope of the LIPMA and the District team that this organization take up the mantle and work together as a whole in the Suffolk Masonic District to improve themselves as well as improve the District. All line officers that expect to be raised to the East, work as a group and not as an island unto themselves. We can depend on each other to cooperate and assist each other in our endeavors. We can all succeed and grow together.

As the current future leaders of the Craft, you should always remember that there is a wealth of knowledge in the District that is always available to offer advice and guidance. From the District Deputy Grand Master and the District Advisor, R:.W:. Bill McCauley to the rest of the District team and Past Masters of the District and of your Lodges.

Washington’s Inauguration and the Bible

As Freemasons, most of us are familiar with much or all of the story of WBro. George Washinton’s first Inaugural may be in dispute. Contemporaries who were present reported slightly different versions of the events. It is an understatement to say they were making it up as they went along. The fact is they did make it up as they went, there was no provision in the founding documents at the time on how to install the President of the United States. So how did it come to be?

Well, if we set the scene that was unfolding at the time things may get a little clearer on who could have come up with the appropriate honors and oath of office for the 1st inauguration. On April 14th George Washington was unanimously elected to be the 1st President of the United States of America. After he received the notice of his election on April 16th at his home in Mount Vernon, Washington left for New York. Accompanied by Charles Thompson, his official escort, and Col. David Humphreys, his aide, he traveled through Alexandria, Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Trenton, Princeton, New Brunswick, and Bridgetown (now Rahway, NJ).

At these and other places along his route, the artillery roared a salute of honor, and the citizens and officials presented him with marks of affection and honor so that his trip became a triumphal procession. On April 23, he crossed the bay from Bridgetown to New York City in a magnificent barge built especially for the occasion.

Lacking precedents to guide them in their preparations for the first Presidential inaugural, Congress appointed a joint committee to consider the time, place, and manner in which to administer to the President the oath of office required by the Constitution. Certain difficulties in planning and arrangements arose from the fact that Congress was meeting in New York’s former City Hall, rechristened Federal Hall, which was in the process of renovation under the direction of Pierre L’Enfant.

On April 25, Congress adopted the joint committee’s recommendation that the inaugural ceremonies be held the following Thursday, April 30, and that the oath of office be administered to the President in the Representatives’ Chamber. The final report of the committee slightly revised this plan with its recommendation that the oath be administered in the outer gallery adjoining the Senate Chamber, “to the end that the Oath of Office may be administered to the President in the most public manner and that the greatest number of people of the United States, and without distinction, may witness the solemnity.” But what exactly the Oath of Office of the President would be was not clear.

At Federal Hall, Vice President John Adams, the Senate, and the House of Representatives awaited the President’s arrival in the Senate Chamber. After being received by Congress, Washington stepped from the chamber onto the balcony, where he was followed by the Senators and Representatives.

Before the assembled crowd of spectators, Robert Livingston, Chancellor of the State of New York, administered the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” After repeating this oath, Washington kissed the Bible held for him by the Chancellor, who called out, “Long live George Washington, President of the United States,” and a salvo of 13 cannons was discharged. There are some contemporary versions that stated that President Washinton also added the all too familiar “So help me God” to the end, but this is disputed or wasn’t heard by all. However, this makes perfect sense to all Brothers would have heard this or would hear this in the future.

Except for taking the oath, the law required no further inaugural ceremonies. But, upon reentering the Senate Chamber, the President read the following address:


Click the image for a transcript of the address

After this address, he and the members of Congress proceeded to St. Paul’s Church for divine service. A brilliant fireworks display in the evening ended the official program for this historic day.

What was not widely reported was the Bible on which WBro. Washinton took his oath of office on. When Washinton arrived at Federal Hall that day and Chancelor Livingston was preparing for administering the oath, it was discovered that there was no Bible for WBro. Washinton to place his right hand on while taking the oath. In the group present during this discussion was W:. Jacon Morton, who happened to be the Worshipful Master of St. John’s Lodge No. 1 and was tasked with obtaining the Bible from the Lodge that Chancelor Robert Livingston would hold before WBro. Washington for him to take the oath of office on.  St. John’s Lodge A.Y.M. has retained custodianship of this Altar Bible ever since.

Several Presidents have requested the Washington inaugural Bible to be used at their inauguration. The Bible has since been used for the inaugurations of Warren G. Harding in 1921, Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953, Jimmy Carter in 1977, and George H. W. Bush, whose 1989 inauguration was in the bicentennial year of Washington’s. The Bible was also intended to be used for the first inauguration of George W. Bush, but heavy rain didn’t allow it.  However, the Bible was present in the Capitol Building in the care of three Freemasons of St. John’s Lodge, in case the weather got better.

In addition to its duties, the Bible has been used in the funeral processions of Presidents Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The Bible has also been used at the cornerstone laying of the U.S. Capitol, the dedication of the Washington Monument, the centennials of the cornerstone laying of the White House, U.S. Capitol, and the Statue of Liberty, the 1964 World’s Fair as well as the launching of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. It has also been used at cornerstone ceremonies for Masonic temples in Boston in 1867, Philadelphia in 1869.

In recent years, it has been displayed in New York at the Federal Hall National Memorial, located on the site of Washington’s inauguration, and the New York Historical Society, and in Washington, D.C. at the Smithsonian and the United States Capitol Visitor Center.

How many of us would like to have the honor of taking our obligation(s) on this particular Bible? Well, there is a chance that you can get as close to that as possible. On Monday March 3rd, 2025, you may get your chance!

Join M:.W:. Steve Adam Rubin, Grand Master of Masons at Lynbrook-Massapequa Lodge No. 822 as the George Washinton Inaugural Bible will be there and Masons present will reaffirm their commitment to Freemasonry and a raffle drawing will give someone a chance to kneel before this historic Bible at the Altar.

For more information, please see the event as it is a ticket paid event – Click Here!