From the East December-February 2024-25


2024 is coming to a close in less than 30 days. Hard to believe the Masonic season is almost half over. Lots of activity within Riverhead Lodge lately and just about all of it good. We have been busy up in the Lodge room with full renovations of the Lodge. If you haven’t seen it yet, well you should come out to a meeting and have a look, it’s spectacular. With that a huge thank you goes out to all the Brothers involved in getting this done. Bro. Ezra Fife did a wonderful job on the ceiling and W:. Charlie Monte getting the lights and sound done. There are many others to thank and still more work to do. The outer room will also be done eventually as well.  We are also looking at getting a plan together for the kitchen. Mainly to have better organization and storage in the kitchen.

We’ll be conferring the Fellowcraft degree tonight, Tuesday, December 3rd on 3 Entered Apprentices, dinner will be 6-7:30 PM.

December 17th will be a Table Lodge downstairs; members may dress casually and wear those coveted “ugly Christmas sweaters” for the meeting.

Saturday, December 21st will be the Tri-Lodge Christmas/Holiday party. It’s Riverhead Lodge’s turn at bat for this party and we have secured a visit from Santa to deliver toys for the boys and girls that attend. this will be from 10-2 PM so a holiday brunch menu will be offered.

The official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, R:.W:. Robert Licata to Riverhead Lodge #645, will occur on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.

I am planning on running the Master Mason degree sometime late March or early April so please keep a lookout for that announcement.

Finally, my brothers I would like to thank all the members of Riverhead and Peconic Lodge’s for all the help and work that has been done in and about the Lodge in the last few months. It is a great pleasure to work with you all.

Improvements to the website


Question: is it possible to be “new” and “improved” at the same time? 

Over the last few years, I have gotten feedback from users of the website regarding several things. The one main theme was that it was slow and cumbersome, especially with ticket purchases for events. The hosting for the district website has been updated and migrated to a more powerful server and will more room to grow and expand. I have also trimmed down the site to the essentials and cut the fat and bloat that will sometimes impact speed. While I do not have the speed test from before the changes, that would be embarrassing, I do have the speed test from recent testing.

So, we’re getting a solid B grade on speed and there is a bit more work to do to get to an A. We are also in process of upgrading with significant improvements to Hiram’s Tickets (online ticket sales). This should be ready for use by Mid December or earlier.

Some other highlights we’d mention:

  • Weekly automated announcements email (this are just the latest and greatest of posts and events coming up)
  • Quarterly District Communication email (too many complaints about the number of emails)
  • Email Archive (missed an announcement? need to see it again? now you can in the Archive)
  • Education Page (here you can sign up for District Courses like the RTE or MDC)
  • The Suffolk District Traveling gavel has its own page! Check the location and travel brothers!
  • Complete listing of Suffolk District Lodges with brief history and meeting times, etc.
  • And of course, the Events page. Check out what is happening around the District, who’s doing what and when. This calendar and the calendar on the District BAND are synchronized to keep all events in the District as widely seen as possible.
  • When arriving at the home page, be sure and scroll down for additional information like a brief list of upcoming events, a link to the Craftsmen Online Podcast and more.

Of course we are still looking for content, so if you have a story or information you would like to share, send it to us and we’ll publish it for all to see. The point of all this is communication Brothers and a website is still one of the best ways to efficiently and effectively get the info out to all. A website requires no username or password to find information or get what you need. There is the calendar of events, informational posts, pages to find who to contact and how to contact a brother in the district. Albeit some of the info is behind a secure wall so you would have to register and be approved to access personal info like emails and phone numbers.

We would invite all brothers to have a look and see what is available, suggest improvements with feedback, comments and create content. If we share what we know with each other, we all get better and that is the point Brothers. We hope this page in combination with the Suffolk District BAND serves the District well and keeps all “in the know”. We are a relatively small but diverse group of gentlemen, and we are always there for each other.

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to get this awesome information sent to your email inbox. See the sign up to your right on this page -> 

Old Town Lodge captures the district traveling gavel

On Thursday, November 21st, 2024, Old Town Lodge # 908 successfully captured the Suffolk District Traveling Gavel. The R:.W:. Robert Licata, DDGM and R:.W:. William McCauley, Suffolk District Advisor presented the gavel to the WM of Old Town Lodge at Potunk Lodge #1071. 

Old Town Lodge meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Old Town Lodge #908’s next meeting that the gavel will be up for grabs will be Monday, December 16th ,2024.

Want to know more about the traveling gavel, well it has its own page. Just click here -> Suffolk District Traveling Gavel


Travel well Brothers!

Updated DDGM visit list for 2025


As we approach the new year and continue with the official visits of the DDGM to Lodges in the Suffolk Masonic District, we encourage you to support the DDGM and the District in attending the official visits. You can check the dates and any updated information on Official visits of the DDGM on the Suffolk District Band Calendar and right here on the Suffolk Masonic District Website -> EVENTS

The updated Official visits of the DDGM for 2025:

Connetquot Lodge #838 – January 13th, 2025

Amityville Lodge #977 – February 4th, 2025

Smithtown Lodge #1127 – February 12th, 2025

Riverhead Lodge #645 – February 18th, 2025

Dongan Patent Lodge #1134 – March 13th, 2025

Peconic Lodge #349 – March 19th, 2025

Babylon Lodge #793 – April 9th, 2025

Another The Battle Within Foundation Bench dedicated

The Suffolk Masonic District and Suffolk Post 23 MWV dedicate a bench for the Battle Within Foundation at the West Sayville Golf Course and Lt. Michale Murphy Navy Seal Museum.

The bench was placed and dedicated by the Suffolk District teams, led by R:.W:. Robert Licata, DDGM of the Suffolk Masonic District and members of Suffolk Post 23, MWV.

The LT Michael P. Murphy Navy SEAL Museum tells the story, sacrifices, and legacies of the Special Operators of Naval Special Warfare Command from the frogman and Underwater Demolition teams of WWII and Korea to the birth of the SEALs in Vietnam, the War on Terror, Operation Redwings, and an exhibition hall dedicated solely to the SEAL Training program.

The Battle Within Foundation:
In the past 40+ years, since the end of the Vietnam War, we have lost more American heroes due to suicide than all foreign wars and conflicts in that time period combined. Despite the very best efforts of family, friends, the VA, and scores of highly dedicated veteran-based organizations, approximately 20 veterans each day are lost to us due to complications from wounds and injuries we cannot see.

That’s 7200 brave men and women a year who volunteered, stood on the yellow footprints and swore an oath to God to protect and defend our country. They proved this commitment, many seeing and experiencing the unimaginable in our name. Unfortunately, they made it through one war, only to come home to fight another.


The Battle Within Foundation has been at the forefront of Veteran PTSD research and assistance to troubled veterans.
Supporting veterans in crisis, educating the public, and honoring our heroes for their service, regardless of where they died.

November 2024: From the Secretary’s Desk


As our calendar year comes to a close, the administrative work of 2025 is starting to ramp up.  As I prepare to send out dues notices amongst other activities, please reach out to update addresses, preferred email addresses, or phone numbers.

In addition, as it has been several years since we reviewed our bylaws, please consider reviewing the most recent copy and put forth any changes that you think would benefit the Lodge.  In conjunction with the Worshipful Master, officers and trustees, amendments as needed should be implemented in the next calendar year.

Finally Brethren, as of the time of this writing, the Lodge has 82 Master Masons.  This is down nearly 20% in a very short time.  While I do not think we should be trying to build a line at the West Gate haphazardly, we all likely know good men in our social or civic circles that would only benefit from our beloved Craft.  Keep this in mind as we move forward.


Fraternal Regards,

W:. Scott K. Parry

Secretary – Smithtown Lodge No. 1127

The post November 2024: From the Secretary’s Desk first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

November 2024: From the East

As we move into November, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the camaraderie and commitment that each of you brings to our Lodge. The past few months have been filled with engaging programs and meaningful discussions, and I appreciate your active participation in making our Lodge a vibrant community.


This month, we have some important events on the horizon. First, I encourage you to mark your calendars for our Masonic education program on 11/13, where we will delve into “The Evolution of Masonic Rituals”. This session promises to be both informative and thought-provoking, and I urge all members to attend and contribute to the conversation.

Additionally, we will be hosting a special meeting on November 27th, the day before Thanksgiving, to discuss “Giving Thanks in Masonry.” This program will allow us to reflect on the blessings we share as brothers and explore the significance of gratitude in our lives and within our fraternity. Your thoughts and contributions will enrich our discussions as we focus on this important theme.

As we approach Thanksgiving, let’s also take a moment to reach out to fellow Masons, especially those who may need a little extra support or companionship during this time. Your presence strengthens our bonds and enriches our discussions, and I encourage everyone to make an effort to attend our meetings.

Lastly, I want to remind you of the importance of attending our meetings. Your presence strengthens our bonds and enriches our discussions. Let’s continue to support each other and uphold the values of Freemasonry as we move forward.


Wishing you all a November filled with gratitude, brotherhood, and opportunities for personal growth. I look forward to seeing each of you at our upcoming events!




W:. William Hanson

Worshipful Master

The post November 2024: From the East first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

November 2024: From the West


With thanksgiving fast approaching we should all remember the brotherhood we all enjoy. Giving thanks to the things we have and hope to be generous in giving to those who worthy destresses brothers.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next stated communication.




Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden


The post November 2024: From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

November 2024 : Form the South

Hi to all of the brothers of Smithtown Lodge from the south. The Lodge is still pretty quiet and we’re ramping up for a good year. We have one perspective candidate that has been investigated and another one in the works. It looks like we will definitely have two candidates for our first degree this year. Other than that not much to report. Things are going well and moving right along. I am planning to have two rehearsals prior to the first- degree coming up so we can give the candidates the best Masonic experience that’s associated with the ritual. The cigar and bourbon night went well thanks to Steve Koferl offering his house and we had a very good turnout. Be well, my brothers and see you at the next meeting

JW Stu Smith

The post November 2024 : Form the South first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

Want to hear a secret?

There are many secrets and boy do I have a doosie!

No cheating, you’ll have to open the post to read the salacious secret!


The secret is: Peconic Lodge No. 349 still has the Suffolk District Traveling Gavel.

Ok so now that the cat is out of the bag, Peconic Lodge meets at Riverhead Lodge on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Their next meeting is on November 6th, 2024. In case you were more curious you can check out the Gavel info right here -> Suffolk District Traveling Gavel.

Ok so not really a salacious secret, actually not much a secret at all. But a great way to bring attention to the fact that Peconic Lodge has had the traveling gavel since the beginning of this Masonic Season and no attempts to take it. One of the great aspects or benefits of Freemasonry is traveling my Brothers, and the Traveling Gavel is just a stimulus to encourage getting out there and visiting other lodges, meeting new and old brothers alike.

The Suffolk District is not that big, and if you imagine it, as a Freemason the world is open to you. In almost every country and where Freemasonry is allowed and flourishing, brothers are eager to welcome you as a Brother. Just like the District Traveling Gavel Brothers, there are some rules or protocols that you should familiarize yourself with before traveling abroad or even inter-state. But once you are familiar, it’s an experience you will never forget.

Get out there and TRAVEL brothers, it’s good for the soul and good for the Craft.