New feature added! Promoter!

Some may have noticed emails send to you from the Suffolk Masonic District Website in recent weeks. In addition, or as a companion to the new ticketing system, we have added a new software suite called Promoter. Promoter has a hook into the events calendar and will setup and deploy event announcements, reminders, ticket sales and almost any kind of email about ongoing or upcoming events.

This service is provided by LIPMA. When creating an event, especially a ticketed event, you can request that a Promoter email campaign be setup for your event. The campaign consists of 4-6 emails sent on a schedule. the 1st will be either an event announcement or a ticket sales announcement. As ticket sales progress additional emails will be sent as event reminders and updates to your event. This feature help promote as the names suggests as well as drive ticket sales for your Lodge or group event. All you need to do is send an email to the with the details of your event and that you are requesting a campaign be mounted for the event.

Some advice when it comes to promoting an event. Please post your event as soon as you can. the more time on the site to promote the better. Also make sure you add a flyer or some graphics to the event to make it eye catching to anyone looking. price your tickets, accordingly, always keeping the ticket fees and CC/Debit card fees that will be attached in mind.

We hope you will take advantage of this service and increase your event attendance and fundraising for your Lodge or concordant body.

If you would like to know what Promoter can do can click here -> Promoter | The Events Calendar


Brothers submit your posts

The Suffolk Masonic District Website has been updated so now Brothers can submit their own posts. We want user supplied content for the site and there is always something happening at Lodges and concordant bodies in an around the district that all should know about. Share your Masonic related stories and pictures.

  • Login or register for an account
  • Mouse over the Account menu
  • select User Submitted Posts

You will be taken to a page to submit your post.

  • Create a title for your post
  • select a category (right now there is only one)
  • Add tags (if you want)
  • type out your post
  • add media (images, etc.) to your post if you like
  • Add a featured image
  • Click submit

All post will be moderated by the webmasters before publication.

Posts will be included in the monthly newsletter if submitted by the 25th of the month for the next month’s newsletter.

The page is still in testing and not completed as we’re working on the look and feel, however it is operational so feel free.

Amityville Lodge No. 977 turns 100


It is always a special day when a Lodge hits a milestone like 100 years or more. Amityville Lodge No. 977 has made that milestone.

LIPMA Annual Meeting and District Investiture


The Annual LIPMA meeting and Suffolk District Investiture are right around the corner. The last 3 years have certainly been challenging and sometimes a bit frustrating. But we, through the hard work and dedication of many, persevered and in some ways even flourished.

As we wind up another Masonic season and the newly elected Masters of the Suffolk Masonic District gather to be invested with the secrets of the Chair, we look forward to what new leadership will bring to the table and build up the foundations of what has come before.

The investiture schedule and details can be found on the events page here -> LIPMA Annual Meeting/District Investiture – Suffolk Masonic District (

Dinner tickets are on sale now.

The Masters-elect attending will be guests of the LIPMA but should RSVP your attendance to the President of the LIPMA – V:.W:. William Arnold  –

Please see the event page for further detail. All those not on the investing team arrival time is 3 PM Sharp (LIPMA opens their business meeting)

Members of the Investing team should arrive before 2 PM for the rehearsal.

Dinner will be 6:30 PM for all those with paid ticket.

All Masters -elect should also (either through their Lodge or individually) submit their application to join the LIPMA and their dues, this can be done here ->

You can pay online or print the app and mail or bring with you with a check for the dues.

Your application will be read and if accepted a lifetime membership.

2022 Suffolk District Golf Outing scheduled!

This is a very popular event and will fill up fast. Don’t wait get your ticket to golf now.

Click here to get your ticket (golfers and if you would like to just attend the dinner after the golf)

 Suffolk District Golf Outing 2022 – Suffolk Masonic District (

Don’t forget to ask your friends, family and local business to take out sponsorships and tee signs for the event!


2022 Master’s Chair Course

The GLSO has invited any Master Mason to attend this once-a-year course, normally only given to the Masters-elect of the Suffolk District. Please note no walk-ins will be allowed, you MUST RSVP with the GLSO to attend.

You can RSVP on the event page here -> The Masters Chair Course – Suffolk Masonic District (

Or by emailing the GLSO at

Smithtown Lodge EA degree

By: W:. William Mountzouros – Smithtown Lodge 1127

Congratulations to Smithtown lodge’s newest EA!


Frank M. Totten Essay Contest Winner at Star of the East

By: W:. Joe Lombardo (on BAND)

Congratulations to Julianna Lester, daughter of W:. Brian and Becky Lester of Star of the East Lodge. She came in 6th in the State in the Frank Totton Essay Contest presented by the Grand Masonic Lodge of the State of New York. Thank you Bro. Kevin Bartels for presenting her award and to RW:. Ed Bartels, Kathy Bartels, RW:. Robert Licata and RW:. Jeff Santorello for being in attendance.