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RW Peter Stokke presented with official portrait

On Monday, November 6th, W Robert Florio of Old Town Lodge #908 was joined by Suffolk Masonic District officers and Grand Lodge dignitaries to present RW Peter Stokke with the official portrait for his term as Grand Lodge Staff Officer. Congratulations to RW Stokke!  (Pic., l. to r.: RW Al Cortizo, Junior Grand Warden; RW Jeffrey Santorello, District Deputy; RW Peter Stokke; RW Steven Rubin, Deputy Grand Master; W Robert Florio, Master of Old Town Lodge; and RW Robert Licata, Grand Sword Bearer.)

2022 MDC Registration is open


The Grand Lodge Staff Officer is responsible for Education and Leadership in the Suffolk Masonic District. Please see below the schedule for The Masonic Development Course


Babylon Lodge

Wednesday, March 16, 2022-7:00 PM

Wednesday, March 30, 2022-7:00 PM

Wednesday, April 6, 2022-7:00 PM

Riverhead Lodge

Saturday, April 9, 2022-9:00 AM

Saturday, April 2, 2022-9:00 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2022-9:00 AM

The scope of this course is to bring Knowledge of each of the Three Masonic Degrees, regarding Ritual, History, and symbolic meaning of Masonry to New and Old members of the Fraternity.


This course is offered both East and West with different times for your convenience. If you are unable to attend a session at Babylon Lodge, the same course is offered the Following Saturday at Riverhead and so on with Sessions 2 & 3.  You must complete all three sessions to receive your Certification.


This course is free.  Please fill out the Registration form online below or open and print the form and mail it back to me as soon as possible.

The cutoff date for registration is March 13th, 2022.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call me at 516.398.3577.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

R∴W∴ Robert Licata

Grand Sword Bearer


2022 Masonic Development Course Registration and Information Form

Lodge Name and Number- choose one

Choose which Lodge you would like to attend the course at

Alternatively: Open/Print the MDC Registration and mail it to the GLSO

Click Here to open/download the MDC Registration form.

You can then print it and mail it in to the GLSO, instructions on the form.

Lets get ready to RUMBLE – with Masonic Education

2021 is coming to a close in a just a few weeks, the holidays will be here before we know it and our busy schedules will be strained to the breaking point. Its a yearly routine and as we all know the last 24 months has been anything but routine. Hopefully things will be rocking and rolling by February as this is the beginning of the Road to the East course, followed by the Masonic Development Course. The Road to the East (RTE) is a required course for all who seek to be installed in the east in the near future. The Masonic Development Course (MDC) is a great course for new Brothers to take to get a deeper dive into Freemasonry. Some older more seasoned Brothers are also welcome to reacquaint yourselves with the basics of Freemasonry and take the MCD as well.

If you plan to take either or both courses, you will need to contact R∴W∴ Robert Licata, GLSO. You can email him here -> GLSO


From the Commander of Suffolk Post 23, MWV

It seems that with the COVID situation some basic elements of “what do I need to do for….” scenarios has gotten lost in the shuffle. I have been asked by more then one WBro. what they need to do to request the Suffolk Post 23 to come to a ‘event’, like a DDGM visit and present he colors?

There is a very simple answer to this. ASK.

All a Lodge Secretary or Master need do is make a request. Typically the request should be sent to the Commander (=Master) or the Post Adjutant (=Secretary).

There are several ways to do this. You can go to the Post website -> Post 23 Website or send and email to the Commander or Adjutant. The name and email or phone can be located on the Post website above or look at the DDGM tresleboard with the name and contact info of a lot of Brothers in the Suffolk District, the Suffolk Post 23 Commander would be among these as well.

Finally a phone call or even a text would be acceptable. In years past, and I am traditionalist to some degree, it would only be acceptable to write a letter to the Post Commander. I personally, will accept a letter, and email, a phone call, smoke signals, etc. All I ask is that you request the Post.

In most instances like DDGM visits, the Post schedules to be at all DDGM visits as it’s a courtesy to the DDGM more then the Lodge and we know know how much a WM has to accomplish leading up to an event like this. So rather than add to the burden we will just assume you will make the request. But it is nice to be asked.

Should you need to make such a request, please see my profile in 10 different places, here on, BAND, just to name a few.

P.S. for all veterans who are Master Masons, please check out the website above and consider joining the Post here in Suffolk. Dues are very low and we are one of the most active Posts in the Jurisdiction.

As a plug to recruitment – fill out a petition here – > Join Suffolk Post 23 Click the “Join Now” button!


V:.W:. Bill Arnold


Suffolk Post 23, MWV

GLSO sets dates for RTE – MCD and Masters Chair


The Suffolk Grand Lodge Staff officer, R:.W;. Bob Licata, has set the dates for the RTE (Road to the East), the MCD (Masonic Development Course) and the Master’s Chair.

The RTE Course is required for Officers who are expected to be elected and Installed in the East in the coming year or two. However any Master Mason may sit for the course. The RTE is a course designed to educate upcoming officers on how a Lodge should operate, Masonic Law and several other topics.

The MDC (Masonic Development Course) is a class that any Master Mason may take. It is designed for newer Master Masson to learn more of the history and basics of our Craft.

The Master’s Chair of course is a required 1 day session for all newly elected and not yet invested or installed Worshipful Masters of individual Lodges. So all Brothers sitting as SW in a Lodge this year (2021-2022) if you are expected to be elected to preside in the East for 2022-2023 or beyond, you should lock this date into your calendar and make sure you are there. Those that may have taken this course in the past as you have already been in the East, you should take it again.

All dates are on the BAND Calendar as well as the website calendar. Set your reminders and RSVP to the GLSO, R:.W:. Robert Licata at for any of the courses listed.

Applause for out outgoing GLSO Matthew Dinizio


We’d be remiss if we did not acknowledge The R:.W:. Matt Dinizio, GLSO for the Suffolk Masonic District for his leadership and innovation in Masonic Educations for the District.

He was very forward thinking and his classes, like the Masters Chair, Road to the East and Masonic Development course were well attended and very well received.

Making the courses more digital so that the members could reference the material from a computer instead of carrying around a large 3 ring binder, was a long to coming and R:.W:. Dinizio got the District there in no time flat.


For all his accomplishments he is also deserving of a great deal of thanks and applause for his work in the district.

P.S. you can’t image how hard it is to get a good picture of this Brother. He is either hidden in the back or not in pictures he should be in…

The Suffolk District Team 2021-2023

As all things go the last 20 or so months past, times were different. Grand Lodge elections and installations took place this past weekend in Utica, Masonic Care Campus.

The M:.W:. Richard J. Kessler was installed as the Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York and

R:.W:. Steven A. Rubin elected and installed as the Deputy Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York.

First it’s with much appreciation and pride that we say thank you to M:.W:. William Sardone, Past Grand Master of Masons. All other Grand Lodge officers, elected and appointed who stayed at their post through most difficult times.


The Suffolk Masonic District Team for the ensuing 2 years.

R:.W:. Jeffery G. Santorello, District Deputy Grand Master of the Suffolk District, representing the M:.W:. Richard J. Kessler, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York.


The R:.W:. Robert J. Licata, Grand Sward Bearer, of the State of New York, Grand Lodge Staff officer for the Suffolk Masonic District.

V:.W:. William De Benedetto, Assistant Grand Lecturer, Suffolk Masonic District

V:.W:. Bruce A. T. Siska, Assistant Grand Lecturer, Suffolk Masonic District

V:.W:. Gilbert C. Kruse, Assistant Grand Lecturer, Suffolk Masonic District

The next two years have a very bright outlook indeed. All of the above officers are “worthy and well qualified” and above all have a deep love of the Craft and their Brothers.

Please wish them all the best in their coming endeavors and give them all the support that the Suffolk District always has.