In Memoriam, Brother Rick Meuser

Frederick James Meuser
November 21,1957 – December 18, 2022

It was with great sadness the Brothers of Jephtha Lodge learned Brother Frederick James Meuser suddenly put down his Working Tools this past December. He was a loyal Brother and a good man who is fondly remembered for the many times he brought ice cream to the Lodge from his wife’s shop, Herrell’s Ice Cream, on Girard Street in Huntington Village. They closed in June 2021 as they made plans for their retirement.

Rick, as he was fondly known, was an attorney in the music business and he and Br Ron Seifried often ran into each other on the LIRR as they headed into New York City. Ron was always happy to see him as they engaged in animated conversation, never having a negative word to say about anyone.

Rick was also a very accomplished guitarist and played with the White Fire Band at many of the big clubs on Long Island, a band he began in high school. One of his devoted followers on Facebook remembering Rick said, “Rick and White Fire were electric.” Rick has his own discography, and another album was being produced at the time of his passing.

Br Rich Harris describes Rick as “a really good man, faithful to his family, church and Masonry. He was always upbeat, positive and complimentary, and always asked about my family. He loved his motorcycle and often drove it to church in good weather.”

Rick and his wife, Cathy, were active members in St Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Huntington Station. They had been married for 35 years, raised two daughters, and were expecting their first grandchild this spring.

As is common practice among Masons, the altar in the Lodge Room will be draped in black for thirty days as we mourn our Brother.

Rest in Peace dear Brother, you will be missed.

Fraternally yours,
Richard Gentile, Editor

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Greeting from the Corner Desk, February 2023

Dear Brothers,
I’d like to offer two quick reminders this month. First, if you are interested in being a part of the book study on The Path of the Holy Fool by Lauren Artress (which will take place on Zoom, once a month), please let me know as soon as possible.
Secondly, please remember that you will not be receiving a new dues card. When the Grand Lodge traditioned to permanent dues cards several years ago, we stopped giving new (paper) ones each year. If you have lost yours, please contact me and I will have a new one sent to you.

Grace and Peace,
R:.W:. Tim TenClay, Secretary

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Greetings from the South, February 2023

Greetings from the South my Brothers!

I hope this newsletter finds you well and in good spirits as we approach February 2023. One exciting month is already down in 2023. Doesn’t time fly when we are having Masonic fun?

We have some great upcoming events, and we hope to see you all. Join us for the St. Patty’s Day Party on March 12th, the 3rd degree raising on Saturday, April 29th, and let’s not forget the District Deputy Grand Master visit on March 27th. For those of you who have not come down to the lodge in a long while, we cordially invite you to join us. We want to see you, laugh with you, see how you are doing and catch up at the Lodge. These meetings are our meetings, let’s enjoy them in harmony, together.

For the ladies of Jephtha Lodge, we wish you a Happy Saint Valentine’s Day.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
John A Lentinello, Junior Warden

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Greetings from the West, February 2023

My Brothers,

One of the basic obligations of a Mason is the care of the Widows and Orphans of our Brothers. My job, as Senior Warden, is to make sure we, as a Lodge, are taking care of them. Recently, the Grand Lodge began an effort to reach out to the Widows of Masons and remind them that Masonry has not forgotten them and wishes to honor them. This is a fantastic program!

When the Grand Lodge contacted me, the first thing I did was run our MORI database to find all the Widows of deceased Brothers. There were more then 275+ deceased brothers listed in our database, and, unfortunately, less than 10 of these records contained any information about their spouses. In order for us, as a Craft, to care for our Widows, we need to know who they are. With the help of Brother Pauly Levy, who had a file of spouses’ names, I was able to update 40+ deceased Master Masons’ records. I will also begin to determine if any of those spouses are still with us, but with their husbands being 100+ years of age, they most probably are not. For those few who may still be living, I want to get in touch with them to let them know they are not forgotten.

I have found the same trend exists with our active brothers. Their spouse information has not been kept up to date.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, let’s show our love for our spouses by making sure we have at least their names. If they are willing to share their dates of birth, we can add that as well.

Therefore, this February, I would request my Brothers send me an email ([email protected]) with your spouse’s name, and if she will permit, her date of birth. I will make sure MORI is kept up to date.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Br Bill Fenty III, Senior Warden

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Greetings from the East, February 2023

Greetings Brethren,

Happy February!

As Worshipful Master, and as a past officer in other chairs, I had, and still have, many events, practices, degrees and travel to other lodges during this Masonic year. Without an understanding wife, these commitments could not have been fulfilled since she has sacrificed her time to do the things I should have been doing – giving up time with family and friends so I could spend time with my Brothers, and not being able to take my daughter to her various events. To my wife, Miranda, THANK YOU! To my daughter, thank you for your understanding.

To the lovely partners in our lives, who without their love, understanding and support of us Masons being away enabling us to fulfill our Masonic duties several times a week, a grand THANK YOU! We Masons wish you a very happy and well deserved Valentine’s Day. It is an honor for us to call you our partners.

Brothers, please embrace this day with your significant other, kiss them as you kissed them for the first time. Mine was walking in the rain to Greenwich Village on an unusually warm February evening in 2001. Tell them how much you love them. I did a few months after our first kiss, in May, in front of my mother’s tree on Mother’s Day. Remind your significant others of these significant moments and embrace them.

I would also like to remind everyone we celebrate Presidents Day this month, and we can call 14 of them Brothers. George Washington was the first Masonic President followed by James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Gerald Ford. Although not a Master Mason, Lyndon Johnson was an Entered Apprentice, and it is rumored Abraham Lincoln was scheduled to be initiated as an Entered Apprentice the Monday after his assassination.

Without mentioning any of the words or penalties of the three obligations taken to become a Master Mason, I would like to discuss what obligation means to us. The foundation of Freemasonry is built after we take our Entered Apprentice obligation, changing our titles from Mister to Brother. A candidate now becomes a member of the oldest, caring and brotherly fraternal organization in existence. He now has a stronger tie to the Masonic Brotherhood. This is even more so when a Brother brings in a friend and he also becomes a Brother. Their relationship has changed for the better and they are bound by stronger ties than ever before.

Although the obligations are mandatory to become a Master Mason in all three degrees, it is taken under free will. These obligations insure we are held to a higher moral standard, where a Brother can form friendships with other Brothers without worrying about being defrauded, wronged or cheated. This bond means a Brother can be trusted to help you if you are in need, as you would help him in doing the same. He is also obligated to care for widows and orphans. This obligation is sworn in front of the assembled brothers of the Lodge and is a promise from us all that we will continue to hold and honor Masonry to the highest standards possible. This is an agreement we made not only to the Craft but also to the Lodge, with our hand on the Greatest Light ever, the Holy Bible, or whatever other Holy Book you believe in if you are a non-Christian. In this way, we respect all religions and beliefs. As you promised in each obligation, which is the goal of every Mason, our path is toward the light so it becomes stronger and brighter each day.

My Dear Brothers, remember the promises you made while taking your obligation and always live life as you promised. Remember, the darker it gets the brighter your light must shine.

We mourn the sudden passing of our dear Brother, Frederick James Meuser, who laid down his Working Tools suddenly on December 18th. At the request of his family, we honored his memory with a Masonic Funeral Service. We send our deepest condolences to his wife, Cathy, his two daughters, Catlin and Christy, and his entire family.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
W:.M:. Michael S Crispino, Jr

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Famous January Mason – January, 2023

Part II

January 17, 1706, Boston, MA (British America) – April 17, 1790, Philadelphia, PA (USA)

The first article about Benjamin Franklin outlining his life and accomplishments appeared in The Jephtha Newsletter in January 2021. This second article about this famous January Freemason is a reprint from The Christian Science Monitor Weekly, June 20, 2022, entitled, “Ben Franklin Bankrolled Two Centuries of Makers,” by Terry W. Hartle, Contributor.

Benjamin Franklin owed his success to intelligence and hard work. He never forgot his roots – he maintained a deep and abiding respect for people who worked with their hands and mastered a trade. And as Michael Meyer recounts in “Benjamin Franklin’s Last Bet: The Favorite Founder’s Divisive Death, Enduring Afterlife, and Blueprint for American Prosperity,” he believed that skilled workers were essential to American success. “Good apprentices,” wrote Franklin, “are most likely to make good citizens.”

His commitment to the “leather apron class” stretched far beyond his death. Just before he died in 1790, Franklin changed his will and left a large proportion of his estate to the cities of Philadelphia and Boston.

His plan was simple: Both cities were to lend the money in small amounts to tradesmen who needed funds to set themselves up in business. The borrowers were to repay the loans over 10 years at 5% interest. According to Franklin’s calculations, the fund would grow dramatically. After 100 years, some of the fund would be distributed by the city leaders and after 200 years, all the remaining money would be given away.
Franklin hoped the initiative would help young blacksmiths, coopers, carpenters, cabinet makers, and bricklayers get started. In many cases it did, and Meyer introduces us to some of the success stories. Unsurprisingly, some failed – which Franklin may not have anticipated.

Today, we would call these micro-loans. Nothing like this existed in 1790. Franklin knew firsthand how hard it could be for a skilled worker to get a start. He had been apprenticed to his older brother, James, who ran a print shop in Boston. The young Franklin showed promise, but he chafed under his brother’s harsh tutelage, broke his indenture, and bolted to Philadelphia, where he opened his own print shop.

Franklin’s bequest was a bold experiment with a long horizon “at a time when life expectancy was much shorter than it is today,” Meyer explains. It was also an audacious idea: It assumed that civic leaders in two cities would lend, without compensation, small interest-bearing loans to individual tradesmen for two centuries, collect repayments, and reinvest the repaid funds. What could possibly go wrong?”

Much did, of course, and both cities stumbled. Incompetence, inefficiency, lack of interest, defaults, incomplete records, and plain old graft were all involved. And Franklin’s calculations about how the money would grow proved wildly optimistic. But the surprising thing is that both cities, after 200 years, had a significant amount of money available for investment in public services.

Philadelphia had a balance of $2.3 million in 1990 – far less than Franklin had projected. The city used the money on job-training programs for high school graduates. Boston did a better job and had more than $4.6 million left. That city devoted all its money to the century-old Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology – an institution that had been founded with money from the first payout of Franklin’s will. The school still stands on Berkley Street in Boston and many of its students come from low-income families.

Meyer skillfully weaves a biography of Franklin into this story of his philanthropy. You cannot talk about Franklin without acknowledging his scientific experiments, and the author describes many of Franklin’s efforts, including the lightening rod, bifocals, swim fins and even a musical instrumented called the “glass armonica.”

Like the other founders, Franklin had faults. While he submitted to Congress the first petition to abolish slavery, he owned enslaved people and never freed a single one. Meyer acknowledges that even this most approachable and forward-thinking of the founders had shortcomings.

While the author notes that micro-loans are now a widely accepted strategy for helping create small businesses, he doesn’t talk much about the practice of an economic policy tool. He’s more interested in suggesting, without actually saying it, that Franklin was the father of micro-loans.

It only took two centuries for the economic and business communities to catch up.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN’S LAST BET: The Favorite Founder’s Divisive Death, Enduring Afterlife, and Blueprint for American Prosperity, by Michael Meyer, Mariner Books, 368 pp.

One of Benjamin Franklin’s famous quotes, one of many – “Wine is a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.” If you have read this far, and you are the 17th and 25th reader to respond, a near-future collation will be on the house. Kindly send the editor an email ([email protected]) and in the subject line write, “Jan23.” Make sure your name, lodge, date and time appear in in your email so proper credit can be given. Thank you and good luck!

Fraternally yours,
Richard Gentile, Editor

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Masonic Moment, from the Editor – January, 2023


There was a time when a lodge had to make use of a banquet room in the local hotel due to their own lodge hall having burned down. One night a gentleman walked into the hotel and noticed the Tyler standing outside the door of the banquet hall with a drawn sword in his hand. He asked the desk clerk “What is that man doing with that sword?” The desk clerk replied the local Masonic Lodge was meeting in the banquet room. The gentleman then said “Oh the Masons. That’s the organization that is really hard to get into,” whereupon the desk clerk replied, “It must be. That poor guy with the sword has been knocking on that door for months and they still haven’t let him in.”

Stewart Brass, Harris Lodge No. 216, Grand Lodge of Canada, Province of Ontario, Reprinted from

Fraternally yours,
Richard Gentile, Editor

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TRUTH TRIANGLE No. 31 – January, 2023


On Saturday, December 3rd, the ladies of Truth Triangle held their semi-annual Public Installation of Officers at Jephtha Lodge. In a tearful and beautiful ceremony, after presenting a significant donation to Island Harvest from her term fundraising, Beloved Queen Lilyonna retired her crown after 18 months of service. Her grace, poise, and desire to succeed helped the chapter to grow and prosper under her leadership.

Following the retiring ceremony, several Suffolk District Alumni took the floor to perform the Founders Day Degree, as is traditional during the meeting closest to the birthday of our founder, Rose E. Scherer. The members of Truth Triangle were then installed into their new offices, in which they will serve for the next six months, and our chapter Supervisors were presented.

With the cooperation of an escort team consisting of Truth members, Rosebuds, and Rainbow sisters, Beloved Queen Sophia was installed as the 186th Beloved Queen of Truth Triangle. Sophia has been dreaming of this moment since her youth, as her mother, Janet, is a Past Beloved Queen and Past Junior Advisor of Suffolk District. Additionally, during this term Sophia is looking forward to helping her “home” Triangle, Meridian #71, rebuild in their new home at Riverhead Lodge. She also serves our New York DeMolay Brothers as a member of the Sweetheart Leadership Committee.

Sophia was surrounded by family and friends as she took her oaths and received the crown, including members of several of our Masonic fraternities. In attendance were Jephtha Lodge Master W Mike Crispino, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York RW Tim TenClay, Senior Warden Bill Fenty III, and District Deputy Grand Matron Renay Fetcher.

Beloved Queen Sophia has chosen as her term charity, ALS Ride for Life. This charity has great significance to her family, and she hopes to raise considerable funds to support their efforts during her term. The chapter will also be fundraising to help our members attend the next Biennial State Convention to be held in October of 2023.

Thank you to those Brothers who were able to attend to represent Jephtha Lodge in support of our ladies, and to all of the Brothers and Sisters of our Masonic family who work to help our ladies along the path to “A Finer American Womanhood.” We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events!

Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Schulbaum
Junior Deputy, Truth Triangle No. 31

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Greetings from the Corner Desk – January, 2023


During COVID, about a dozen brothers from Jephtha met monthly by Zoom for a book study on Alchemical Psychology. It was one of my favorite experiences of that strange and confusing time. With permission from the W Michael Crispino, it is my pleasure to invite you to join a new book study on The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Visionary Powers by the Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress. The book explores the Parsifal/Grail legend and invites each of us to explore our own unique journeys as we hone our rough edges and seek to become better men and brothers.

Though Lauren is a priest in the Episcopal tradition, this book (and our study of it) will not be sectarian nor uniquely Christian – all of our brothers, regardless of their specific religious tradition, are invited to join. This study is open to anyone who is an Entered Apprentice or above. It requires no previous knowledge of the legend nor any interest in working with a Labyrinth (though, naturally, I will gladly facilitate the opportunity to explore that with anyone who has interest).

We will be meeting once a month by zoom on an evening to be determined by those who will be participating. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know (email: [email protected]) as soon as possible. In order to provide the best possible experience, we will be limiting this particular group to 15 brothers and giving first preference to those who are members of Jephtha.

Grace and peace,
R:.W:. Tim TenClay, Secretary

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Greetings from the South – January, 2023


My brothers, as we approach the new year having celebrated the holidays with family, friends and fellow Brothers, we should be reminded of three important teachings which are too easily forgotten:

First, the wise and noble words set forth in the opening of Psalm 133, specifically, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity.” What a joy it is to celebrate and rejoice together with Brothers of Jephtha Lodge in harmony. Isn’t it? Brotherhood unites us and should always be on our minds as we approach and reflect on the new year with excitement and refined purpose. As Masons, we are taught to strive for kinship, obtaining peace and prosperity within the Lodge. For some, it may have been distinguished by what is past, but fear not, harmony will be back again in the present and into the future. Let us continuously remember this about friendship and realign our goals so it is the main destination or central ingredient of our success going into 2023 and beyond.

Second, the compasses are always leading the way and teaching us to look beyond our inflamed desires and focus on what is most important within the bounds of all mankind. This teaching should not be overlooked as there may come a time when we have been tested, or perhaps our desires and passions lead us and cause an event to occur which was the opposite of our intentions. Later we may realize what is really most important. Let us learn to circumscribe our pulling desires so we can enjoy the new year with a new start and work together with all mankind to spread Brotherly Love and compassion that is the heart of Freemasonry. For without our Brothers beside me, we are not a Lodge, but a freestanding fellow Mason when we should be Masons jointly. We are equals set forth to help all Brothers. We should always take care to listen before responding, or not act in the heat of our passions at any given moment. What is said by one speaking brother may harm another listening brother, even if that speaking brother had the best of intentions but may have chosen the wrong words or time to do so. Let us circumscribe our desires and refocus on what is the most important of all – Harmony and Unity that strengthen our Brotherhood.

Third, harmony. For after all, there is no truer phrase than “harmony is the support of all institutions especially this of ours.” I did borrow this from the Senior Warden (sorry Brother Bill), but no truer words have been spoken. Let us always remember, we must have peace within the Lodge to succeed and be successful. In our joint undertakings, Lodge like-mindedness is required for Jephtha to grow and prosper. To be truly in this spirit, we must all think before we act. We must all safely guide our fellow brothers by providing strong, positive examples and not examples of what should be avoided when our passions are not kept in the due bounds of all mankind. Any team, organization, corporation, union, group, fraternity or brotherhood – you name it – must have a meeting of the minds for it to adapt, to continue and to grow. Yet we should also be blessed with our own inner harmony or peace that we all seek. Sometimes, however, we can lose sight of it when we forget the teachings of the compasses. As we approach the new year, let us humbly come together and remember it is the joy of inner peace and that of the lodge that fosters brotherhood and unity, and that harmony and togetherness allow us all to dwell together while the Lodge continues onward toward thousands of more communications.

Let this be a new year with new beginnings, new thoughts, new considerations, new leadership and let harmony reign supreme again. As the new year progresses, let us continuously remember to subdue our discordant passions and always be reminded to keep those passions in the due bounds with all mankind. Let us celebrate Harmony with Unity as our ultimate goal.

I wish all Brothers and their families a happy and healthy new year. In the spirit of the station in the south, let us all enjoy nourishment, sustenance, and refreshment together in happiness.

Fraternally yours from the south,
Br John A Lentinello, Junior Warden

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