The Suffolk masonic district elects new advisor

This past week the Suffolk Masonic District has elected a new Suffolk District Advisor, R:..W:. William McCauley.

R:.W:. Wm. McCauley

It is a distinct honor to have been elected as District Advisor for the Suffolk Masonic District. It will be a pleasure to continue my fraternal service for the benefit of each of you in the District. This District is held in High Regard by Grand Lodge because of the Masonic work that is accomplished here. My role, simply put is to advise and assist the District Deputy his Team and any Brother in this District should their need require it. You can always reach out to me regarding any questions involving the Fraternity. I look forward to seeing all of you as I travel around the District with the District Deputy and his Team.

R:.W:. William E. McCauley

R:.W:. McCauley’s Masonic Resume

Master Mason in Dongan Patent Lodge No. 1134, May 1988

Past Master 1994, 2005 and 2015, Secretary 1998 to 2000, Trustee

Long Island Past Master’s Association, Past President

Suffolk Masonic District Finance Chairman

Suffolk District Membership Retention, Past Chairman

Suffolk District Masonic Education Committee

Past District Advisor for Suffolk District

Suffolk District Long Range Planning Committee, Past Chairman

Suffolk District Membership Development Committee, Past Chairman

Past District Deputy Grand Master, Suffolk, 2000 – 2002

Interim District Deputy Grand Master and District 2004

Interim District Advisor 2004

Grand Lodge – Deputy Grand Master’s Advisory Committee 2021

Grand Lodge – Individual Development Course, Site Coordinator and Instructor

Grand Lodge – Past Member of Long Range Planning for Deputy Grand Master, 2004

Grand Lodge – Lodges and Buildings Past Committee Member

Grand Lodge – Finance Committee, Member

Grand Lodge – Committee on Law Enforcement Member

Grand Lodge – Charters Committee Member

Long Island Scottish Rite Bodies, Member

Suwassett Chapter No. 195, Royal Arch Masons, Past High Priest, Past Trustee

Fourth Capitular District Royal Arch Masons, Past President

Patchogue Commandery No. 95, Knights Templar, Past Commander, Trustee

Suffolk Council No. 76, Cryptic Masons, Past Illustrious Master, Past Trustee, Treasurer

Kismet Shrine Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., member

Medford Square Club, Past President

Deputy Grand Master’s Advisory Committee – Current Member

Several other Masonic Bodies……

Order of the Eastern Star

Old Glory Chapter No. 622, Order of the Eastern Star, Past Worthy Patron

Pyramid Chapter No. 594, Order of the Eastern Star, Worthy Patron

Metlakhatla Chapter No. 439, member

Riverside Sunrise Chapter No. 399, Patron

Order of the Eastern Star, Suffolk District, Past District Grand Lecturer, Past Grand Marshal

The Friendly Folk of Suffolk Association – Past President and current Treasurer

Greetings from the Corner Desk- December 2021

It is that time again; the time you have all been waiting for, dues time.

If you have not yet received your dues notice, you will be soon. Jephtha’s dues are among the lowest on Long Island, but they are an essential part of our budget. Please pay them by the end of the year, if at all possible. (If you are in a
situation of financial hardship, let me or one of our officers know. No one at Jephtha wants dues to create a problem for you or your family. Your presence and participation at lodge is more important, and if you need help keeping your dues up to date, we would like to see what we can do.)

As you know, we have tried our best to move away from cash usage at the lodge; this policy remains consistent for our dues collections. We prefer not to receive any dues payments in cash. The best option is to pay through PayPal at:, you can also pay by check sent directly to the lodge PO Box: Jephtha Lodge, No 494 F. & A. M. PO Box 20243 Huntington Station, NY 11746.

If you believe your dues notice was incorrect, please contact me directly at: [email protected]

I would also like to offer my annual reminders that:

1) You will not be getting a new dues card. The Grand Lodge moved to permanent dues cards several
years ago. If you have lost yours and need a new one, please let me know.

2) If you have changed address, phone number, or email, please let me know so that I can keep our
database as up to date as possible.


Happy Holidays, my Brothers,
Tim TenClay, Secretary

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Greetings from the South- December 2021

My Brothers, I bring you holiday greetings as we head into the end of 2021. I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza and a Happy, Healthy New Year!

Jephtha Lodge has been getting out to the district of late. In November we attended the District Deputy Grand Master’s visit to the Babylon lodge where Jephtha made an impressive showing with 8 brothers. It was a wonderful event and the hospitality of W:. Chano Rivera, the Wardens and Brothers of Babylon Lodge #793 was warm and inviting.

The Brothers of Jephtha lodge also made a strong showing at the Installation of the officers of Truth Triangle #31. Lead by W:. Jeremiah Campbell, many of the line officers were present for what truly was an inspired evening as the Truth Triangles installed their Beloved Queen, Lilyonna Morales, for her second term. The young ladies of the Truth Triangle #31 presented an exceptional ceremony with outstanding floor and ritual work. We also had present two of Jephtha Lodge’s very own DeMolays, Tristan Schulbaum and Dillon Sloop. It was a great evening and I encourage our brothers to continue showing strong support for our Masonic Youth. They are our future.

In December, Jephtha Lodge will be supporting the Long Island Past Masters Association Holiday Gala on December 13th. This association has long been a supporting body for Suffolk Masons, and our new District Deputy, R:.W:. Jeffrey G. Santorello, made a special request to support this event. Jephtha will answer that call.

We will end the year with a bang with Jephtha Lodge’s New Year’s Eve Party. Details are being planned as of this writing.

2021 has been a trying year. Continued pandemic concerns, a changing economy, apprehension and uncertainty have weighed heavily upon everyone. Jephtha Lodge has continued to do what it always does, be a beacon light in the darkness. As we begin the holiday season and see the festive decorations and lights, we should remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Remember our duty to contribute to helping all members of our community. To support this endeavor, the Benevolence Committee will continue to collect coats, nonperishable foods and toys through the Holiday Party on November 27th. If you have not yet contributed by then, please bring a donation to the party.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Br. William P Fenty III
Junior Warden

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Greetings from the West – December 2021

My dear Brothers,

Growing up believing in Santa, and still believing in him, it has come to my realization he is indeed a Freemason. Like all of us he is worthy & well qualified, charitable, and caring of all mankind. Like me, he is overweight, and filled with
secrecy who meets in a special place with his brethren, his beloved elves. Santa is the reason for Toys for Tots and delivers his share in vast numbers in a limited amount of time while keeping his identity a mystery and avoiding any type of public display. He shows love for all.

On his yearly route I have concluded he starts from the North Pole in an easterly direction, and that is where we embark on our great Journey in Masonry the moment we become Entered Apprentices, the Northeast Corner of the Lodge.

St. Nicholas, on whom Santa is based, was a wealthy fourth century bishop from Turkey. The legend of Santa coming down the chimney began when St. Nicholas climbed upon the roof of a poor family’s home who couldn’t afford a wedding for the three daughters. He threw three gold coins down the chimney which landed in their stocking hanging by the fireplace and thus enabling them to get married. What differentiates this from my personal Santa experiences is the girls received gold, I usually received coal!

This event is why St. Nicholas has become the Patron Saint of Children. Every December 6th Saint Nicholas visits children on a white horse and asks how they have behaved the previous year. All children leave a pair of shoes with a carrot and hay for St. Nicholas’ horse, and the good children are rewarded with candy and small presents.

These traditions were bought to us by the Dutch settlers. About 150 years later, the poem “The Night Before Christmas,” also known as “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore, was written with all the details in which we believe today, including flying reindeer with names, with the newest reindeer, Rudolph, added by Robert L. May in 1939.

In my most humble opinion, Santa Claus is a Freemason, not just because of what is mentioned above, but because of the joy and hope he brings to all the world, especially to his cherished children. Although Santa is a Christian belief celebrating the greatest gift God has given us, the birth of his Son, Jesus, other important holidays are also celebrated this time of year – Diwali with lights, gifts, and toys; Hanukkah with its lights and gifts celebrating peace; the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe with singing, dancing and the blessing of roses; Kwanza with art, food and light; and the feast of St. John the Evangelist, one of the two Patron Saints of Freemasonry. We have many traditions in common and what a perfect way to end the year with family and brotherhood, gifts, wonderful food and good cheer.

I especially love the process of choosing the perfect gifts for those I hold dear. Please look at my Facebook page and see the Christmas Village I assisted my daughter in planning, a tradition I love, dedicated to friends & loved ones.

I thank all my Brothers at Jephtha Lodge for a wonderful 2021, and I look forward to a fabulous 2022 together. Enjoy a safe and Happy Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Michael S. Crispino, Jr
Senior Warden

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December 2021

Happy belated Diwali, Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving with your family and friends. During the holiday season our brethren embrace charity and display it to the world. Jephtha continues to help our Veterans and our fellow man with our generous donations. In the midst of a pandemic, we were able to make a difference in the world with our Food and Coat Drive by helping the less fortunate. My brothers, this teaches us that even in the darkest night, our Masonic light shines bright. I thank you all for your continuing support and love of our Craft.

December brings even more joyous events as we embark upon year’s end. Our stated communication of December 13, 2021, will not be at the lodge this year. Jephtha will join the Masonic Suffolk District Long Island Past Masters Association in Sayville for a Holiday Gala. There is a cost for attending this event so please contact our secretary if you plan on attending as seats are limited.

Jephtha will end 2021 with a blast as we bring back New Year’s Eve on December 31, 2021, from 8 PM until midnight, at Jephtha Lodge. All lodges, friends & families of Masons are invited. I hope to see many of you there to ring in the New Year! Health and wellness are all I wish for you and your families. May brotherly love prevail!

See you all again in 2022!

Sincerely & Fraternally Yours,
W:. Jeremiah Campbell

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Sr. Warden in the West

To all my Potunk Brethren-

I  hope you all have a great holiday. Gobble till ya wobble! Remember you can work off those extra helpings on Saturday at the lodge for clean up. Bro. Jimmy and I should be there by 845 am.
Stay safe and be well.
S& F 
Bro. Jeff

15 Frowein Road- Building A3
Center Moriches, NY 11934
(631) 878-1935 
126 Carleton Avenue
Islip Terrace, NY 11752
(631) 878-1935
112 Madison Avenue-6th Floor
New York, NY 10016
(212) 741-0312


Introducing Suffolk Masonic Events & Tickets Powered by lipma

The internet is a wonderful thing sometimes. Growing up in the 70s through 90s if we needed information we went to the library or looked it up in your home encyclopedia, etc. Nowadays we hold the sum of human knowledge in the palm of our hands.

I remember getting tickets to see Van Halen 1984 at Madison Square Garden and I still remember getting the paper ticket in my hands. Luckily my cousin was an executive assistant to one of the owners of the Garden at that time, so the tickets were relatively easy to get. Convincing my parents I was old enough to join my cousins and older brother at the concert, not so much.

Over the past year or so the executive board has been discussing how to give back to the district and not just host a once a year summer soirée. (Hint we may make the Holiday Gala a yearly event as well).

As the plans for the Holiday Gala were being finalized we decided that the tickets would be sold online and we’d give the ability to pay for them with Credit/Debit Card, Venmo or PayPal. The point was we wanted the members of the LIPMA who run the event to actually be able to enjoy themselves at the event and not spend half the event collecting tickets, checking in guests and counting money or checks. So we opted for a 100% prepaid ticket model. So far it’s exceeded expectations.

With the results of that effort working exceptionally well for the event and LIPMA, we saw and opportunity to offer this same tech and convenience to the Lodges, members and appendant bodies in an around the Suffolk Masonic District.

So we expanded the use of the Events calendar and tickets you saw in action with the LIPMA Holiday Gala to the website and set it so any registered member can add events and create tickets for their event, whether is be a Lodge fundraiser or a District wide event.

So what do you need to do this? Simple you must register with the website and be approved. Once you create a login on the website you will be able to create events with all the details you will need, who, what, where and when. To create a paid ticket you or your Lodge or organization will need a PayPal registered email address. If you have a PayPal email you would know. The Community events & Tickets will employ some interesting technology. It will include split payments and PayPal payouts. This is why you will need a PayPal related email to collect fund via PayPal, Venmo or Credit/Debit Card. So if you have an PayPal account already your all set. If not it’s a 2 minute setup with PayPal. No merchant (Credit Card Processor) account needed. LIPMA will complete the payments on the ‘day of’ your event, all the funds collected, minus the ticket fee, are then paid to the supplied PayPal email/account. Sorry at this point only PayPal is support by the software.

So what are a few of the pros and cons to this method of selling tickets with Suffolk Masonic Events & Tickets?


  • Get Paid in advance for events
  • Get better RSVPs/headcounts
  • no need to distribute paper tickets
  • generate online reports for sales and attendees
  • leverage social media and other avenues to promote and sell tickets
  • Check in guests with a smartphone (iPhone/Android) with a app.


  • Slight added cost to tickets and your event
  • There may be more but I can’t find any.

As you can see there is a definite benefit to selling your event tickets online. So what’s the downside? Well the software that runs the system is not ‘inexpensive’. So we have implemented a ticket fee which we believe was fair to all. So when you create tickets, the fee is subtracted from the total. It will most likely be $1.00 per ticket. Plus the merchant (credit Debit Card) processing fee, which is currently 3.7% + 0.49 per transaction. This must be taken into account when creating tickets for your event. So if you expect to collect $25/per person for your event, you would need to create tickets for about $28.00 to recoup ~$25.00 after fees are collected.

A Zoom or in person instruction will be announced to walk anyone interested in learning how to navigate and add events & tickets and get paid for the tickets. We sincerely hope that the members of the District will use and take advantage of the system and actually enjoy the events that they plan. Or those who have the online knowledge, jump right it and start creating events and tickets.

On the day of your event one or a few members with smartphones scan QR codes at the door to check in your guests and verify attendance and generate reports.

Payouts: Well due to several factors, one being refunds or reversals, LIPMA will hold all funds collected until the day of the event. On the day of the event the orders will be ‘Completed” and the funds processed. within 24 hours PayPal will send payouts to the supplied PayPal email for the event organizer (the person who and set the tickets and supplied the PayPal Email) minus the $1.00/ ticket fee and merchant fees. Since we are adding these fees at checkout the consumer is paying these fees as part of the ticket price. So the event organizer will get their price per ticket and LIPMA generates the funds to make the system self sustaining. Everybody wins.

A detailed step-by-step guide will be posted in the File Manager which is also added to the under “Your Account” which cannot be accessed until after you register and login.

One of the most useful added features of Suffolk Masons Event Tickets is the ability to check-in attendees to your events via QR code. These scannable codes are generated automatically for all ticket purchases or reservations, and each code references a unique URL that can be used to quickly check-in guests without needing to manually access your attendees list.

Event Tickets Plus App

Our Event Tickets Plus App is the easiest and fastest way to check-in your attendees directly from your Android or iOS device without the need to log in to your site. Simply install and connect to your site using an API key and start scanning your tickets.

Download the app from:

Once you have registered, created an event, created a ticket with a PayPal associated email and the event is approved, your off to the races. Each person that purchases a ticket or RSVP’s to your event, you will receive and email notification (the organizer)). You can go onto the system anytime and check attendees and sales, export, print or email your reports.

The day of your event, there is nothing for your to do really but enjoy. The orders will be processed to complete and the batch payout will run and send the payment to the supplied email. Its that simple.

Where in the District is the Traveling gavel?

It seems the Traveling Gavel is bouncing around the East end of the District these days. As of last night, Nov 18th, 2021 the Suffolk District Traveling Gavel was resting comfortably in it’s home at Potunk Lodge #1071 in Westhampton, when 7 ruffians from Riverhead Lodge #645 appeared, ate some collation meal and then proceeded to abscond with the Traveling Gavel.

The Riverhead Ruffians photographed at the scene of the crime, caught red handed!

W:. Terry Maccarrone, the Master of Riverhead Lodge #645, who is well known for “talking smack”, then proceeded to issue a challenge.

So, I’ve been REQUESTED to throw down the Challenge to those “Nassau Lodges” in western Suffolk to come out and get the Gavel…. We, in the land of the Sunrise, hear A LOT of “talk”, but don’t see much “theft”. Do these western Lodges exist?? Or, are they merely rumors and tales to tell DeMolay & Rainbow at bedtime…? Maybe Jephtha, the ‘Loch Ness of Huntington’ can venture out..? Or, maybe Smithtown can prove that Whisper the Bull is really a mascot and not something they are full of…. 😲

The Brothers of Peconic Lodge don’t really think you guys exist…

1st & 3rd Tuesdays

W:. Terry Maccarrone, Master, Riverhead Lodge No. 645

Well the gauntlet has been thrown and anyone willing to pick it up can do so at Riverhead Lodge’s next Stated Communication, which will be Tuesday, December 7th, 2021. Which coincidently happens to the the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, a date that will live in infamy.

Once again you can check on the Gavel’s location and the rules and the leaderboard, as well as some history about it on the District Traveling Gavel Page.

A New Director General of Masonic War Veterans of NY Elected

Congratulations are in order. W:. Vincent Scandole of Riverhead Lodge #645, elected Director General of the Masonic War Veterans of the State of NY.

During the weekend of Nov 12-14 the Masonic War Veterans of NY held their Grand Post Communication and W:. Scandole found himself on the Canadian border in NY and somehow got himself elected as one of the State Directors General of the Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York.

It’s always a good day when a Brother of the Suffolk Masonic District is elected to State office. We wish him all the luck and support he needs in this new endeavor. Congratulations again W:. Scandole!

From the Commander of Suffolk Post 23, MWV

It seems that with the COVID situation some basic elements of “what do I need to do for….” scenarios has gotten lost in the shuffle. I have been asked by more then one WBro. what they need to do to request the Suffolk Post 23 to come to a ‘event’, like a DDGM visit and present he colors?

There is a very simple answer to this. ASK.

All a Lodge Secretary or Master need do is make a request. Typically the request should be sent to the Commander (=Master) or the Post Adjutant (=Secretary).

There are several ways to do this. You can go to the Post website -> Post 23 Website or send and email to the Commander or Adjutant. The name and email or phone can be located on the Post website above or look at the DDGM tresleboard with the name and contact info of a lot of Brothers in the Suffolk District, the Suffolk Post 23 Commander would be among these as well.

Finally a phone call or even a text would be acceptable. In years past, and I am traditionalist to some degree, it would only be acceptable to write a letter to the Post Commander. I personally, will accept a letter, and email, a phone call, smoke signals, etc. All I ask is that you request the Post.

In most instances like DDGM visits, the Post schedules to be at all DDGM visits as it’s a courtesy to the DDGM more then the Lodge and we know know how much a WM has to accomplish leading up to an event like this. So rather than add to the burden we will just assume you will make the request. But it is nice to be asked.

Should you need to make such a request, please see my profile in 10 different places, here on, BAND, just to name a few.

P.S. for all veterans who are Master Masons, please check out the website above and consider joining the Post here in Suffolk. Dues are very low and we are one of the most active Posts in the Jurisdiction.

As a plug to recruitment – fill out a petition here – > Join Suffolk Post 23 Click the “Join Now” button!


V:.W:. Bill Arnold


Suffolk Post 23, MWV