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From the Grand Lodge Staff Officer for the Suffolk District Fall 2024

Greetings my Brothers;

It is a privilege and honor to represent the Suffolk District as the Grand Lodge Staff Officer. I hope to be the brother you look to for educational insight and instruction. Please take advantage of all the many programs and classes we are offering.

The AGLs and I will be working hard to bring you many educational evenings of interesting programs and workshops to aid in your Masonic experience. Schools of Instruction, Masonic Development Courses, and the Road to the East course. I promise to make them lively, entertaining, and thought provoking.

I urge each and every one of my brothers to take advantage of what is available to help you learn more about our gentle craft. These courses are not just for those who wish to advance to the East, but for everyone. Newly made Master Masons, Fellowcrafts, and Entered Apprentice are all welcome and encouraged to participate. The year will be filled with lots of interesting nights and some mornings with great fellowship. Try to be part of a class and enjoy the company of your brothers. We should never stop learning. There is always the by-product of enjoying the company of many brothers from across the district. By the way you know there is always food and fun. I guarantee a good time. Don’t delay sign up today.

I thank everyone for this opportunity to learn with you all.

R:.W:. Bill De Benedetto

Grand Steward


Note from the editor: the link to the signups when they become available will always be on the Education page of the District website here -> Educational Services