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February 2025 From the West


Happy ground hog day, well who really knows if we are going to have a early spring or not. We all need to show our support for an upcoming District Deputy visit. I would like to congratulate the new  masons completing their first Degree.

Let us embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and continue building our fellowship and dedication.

Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post February 2025 From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

2025 January From the West


Happy New Year, Brothers! I am looking forward to an exciting and revitalized year ahead. We have a lot to look forward to, starting with the School of Instruction. Additionally, a First Degree is on the horizon, and we must also prepare for an upcoming District Deputy visit.

Let us embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and continue building our fellowship and dedication.

Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post 2025 January From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

December From the West


As Christmas approaches, let us take time to enjoy the blessings we can share with one another. The holidays are a special time, and being together with family and the brotherhood makes it even more meaningful.

In the spirit of the season, let us remember those in need and those who are facing difficult times, both within our own families and the wider community. Charity is one of the core virtues of Masonry, and it is through acts of kindness and generosity that we truly embody the spirit of the holidays.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the next stated communication.

Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post December From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

November 2024: From the West


With thanksgiving fast approaching we should all remember the brotherhood we all enjoy. Giving thanks to the things we have and hope to be generous in giving to those who worthy destresses brothers.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next stated communication.




Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden


The post November 2024: From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

October 2024 From the West


It sounds like the Cigar and Bourbon Day was a fantastic event! Despite the rain, it’s great to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves, especially with W:. Hanson’s culinary talents and the variety of spirits and cigars available. A big shout-out to Steve Korferl for hosting—it’s always wonderful when members step up to support each other.



Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post October 2024 From the West first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the West September 2024


As the sun sets in the east a little earlier each day, it signals the time to gather for our calling from the east. I am eagerly anticipating our reunion and the opportunity to share stories from our summer journeys.

With the arrival of the New Year, we welcome a new Master of the Lodge and a calendar brimming with degrees, rituals, and teachings. Your continued support in promoting Masonic values and increasing our membership is vital to our success.

Looking forward to your participation and contributions.


Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post From the West September 2024 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the West July 2024

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Brothers who have enjoyed the menu while in the South. As we move forward to the West, I am excited for the upcoming year.
Although we won’t have regular communications, we will still host a Cigar and Bourbon Barbecue. Additionally, I hope to organize another form of a unity event.
Senior Warden,
Edward Matuszak

The post From the West July 2024 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

Greetings from the West, February 2023

My Brothers,

One of the basic obligations of a Mason is the care of the Widows and Orphans of our Brothers. My job, as Senior Warden, is to make sure we, as a Lodge, are taking care of them. Recently, the Grand Lodge began an effort to reach out to the Widows of Masons and remind them that Masonry has not forgotten them and wishes to honor them. This is a fantastic program!

When the Grand Lodge contacted me, the first thing I did was run our MORI database to find all the Widows of deceased Brothers. There were more then 275+ deceased brothers listed in our database, and, unfortunately, less than 10 of these records contained any information about their spouses. In order for us, as a Craft, to care for our Widows, we need to know who they are. With the help of Brother Pauly Levy, who had a file of spouses’ names, I was able to update 40+ deceased Master Masons’ records. I will also begin to determine if any of those spouses are still with us, but with their husbands being 100+ years of age, they most probably are not. For those few who may still be living, I want to get in touch with them to let them know they are not forgotten.

I have found the same trend exists with our active brothers. Their spouse information has not been kept up to date.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, let’s show our love for our spouses by making sure we have at least their names. If they are willing to share their dates of birth, we can add that as well.

Therefore, this February, I would request my Brothers send me an email ([email protected]) with your spouse’s name, and if she will permit, her date of birth. I will make sure MORI is kept up to date.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Br Bill Fenty III, Senior Warden

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Greetings from the West – January, 2023


Happy holidays and a happy new year!

Greetings from the west my Brothers. I know you are reading this in January with the opening of the new year and the holidays are now in the rear view mirror. I am, however, writing this missive at the opening of the holiday season and feel compelled to write about them as a reminder to all Brothers of the core tenants of Freemasonry – Faith, Hope and Charity.

Faith – May you always have Faith. Faith there is a Great Architect of the Universe, and He is a God that loves us and will do what is ever best for us even if we can’t see Him or understand Him. A child doesn’t always understand why a parent does certain things, but like a child, we must have Faith in our Father, that He is guiding us and doing what is best for us, much the way a child has Faith in his parent.

Hope – May you always have Hope. Hope this new year will be a good one, that all we dream of, that our wants and desires will somehow fit into the plan of the Great Architect of the Universe. With the start of the new year, I hope for all of us, we understand and remember that as we are Loved, so should we Love others.

Charity – May Charity always fill our hearts. CHARITY IS LOVE IN ACTION. We are tested by the Great Architect of the Universe, by our very moral code, to Love one another. Charity being Love in action is how we show one another that very Love. It is often thought of as giving material things – food, money, coats, and toys. In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, in the unrelenting focus on the material during the season, don’t forget, my Brothers, Charity is also the intangible – giving the benefit of the doubt, giving forgiveness for our Brothers’ transgressions, and by adopting a Charitable outlook for those who are being difficult. Charity and Brotherly Love is being kind even when the other person doesn’t necessarily deserve it. It does not have to be sticking our hands in our pockets to offer a monetary reward. It is also putting pride on the shelf, putting others first, turning the other cheek.

My Brothers, I hope your holiday season is a joyous one, full of wonder and excitement. May this new year be filled with happiness and good health. I hope for my Brothers we all find ways to experience the Love of the Great Architect of the Universe and we can share that very Love with all our Brothers, our families, and the larger family, the human race.

Wishing you Faith, Hope and Charity this holiday season and in the new year,
Br. Bill Fenty III, Senior Warden

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From the West Jan-Feb 2021


I hope all is well with everyone! During these trying times I think we should all reflect on ourselves and our families. I want to give a special thank you to some brothers that have been doing a lot of work at the lodge! RW: Jimmy W:Kevin and Brother Dominick. Thank you so much guys! I really hope this year will go back to normal.

We can finally get our new guys who have been waiting for so long through as we did. Take care brothers and I hope to see you soon!


Bro. Jeremy Conner

Sr. Warden

Potunk Lodge #1071