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From the East Jan-Feb 2021


As all have been keenly aware of the ongoing situation with COVID and meetings at Lodges, I am concerned about the ongoing damage to the Craft that virtualized meetings are doing. That being said, we are Masons and we are obligated to follow the rules, edicts and laws of the Grand Lodge. That’s all I will say about that.

There are a few things going on at our Lodge that we should all know about. Mainly that although we so far have been able to keep things going regarding the building and bills etc., this situation will soon turn critical.

I discussed in the last 2 meetings (1 virtual one in person) the fact that LIPMA has setup a grant program to assist with some of the losses in revenue due to the above situation Lodges are having. I have asked the Secretary, to review the info/application packet and begin pulling together the required documentation so that we may submit an application for the Grant this month.

I am still optimistic that by March/April we’ll begin to see the light at the end of this very long tunnel and begin to operate normally again.

Going forward I will resist any virtual Lodge Communications (unless new directives from the Grand Master are released). So I will be opening the Lodge as normal starting with the first meeting in February.

I hope all are staying healthy and safe this days and as in previous posts, wanted to thank all who have been busy at the Lodge all these long months getting things done that have been needed for some time, painting, tiling and fixing.

I look forward to seeing many of you soon at the Lodge and back to the quarries doing what we do.

We have a few candidates in waiting for sometime now and we need to look to get these potential Brothers initiated and educated.


V:.W:. Bill Arnold


Potunk Lodge #1071

Going forward in 2021


Many of you have been getting updates from the web, Facebook etc. on the state of the pandemic and the restrictions we are currently under. You can go on over to and the latest video message from MW Sardone is on the home page.

By the way I am of the belief that the image in this post is more and more a reality in this era than ever before.

There are only effectively 5 months left of my time in the east and although it has been challenging to try and gather and meet as Brothers we have done OK.  It seems that time truly does fly.

What we will be focusing on the next few months, restrictions or not, will be to train and educate our up and coming officers and ritual and Lodge management. I would ask that all elected and appointed officers please do your very best to attend in person meetings Feb-June 2021 so we can assure you are prepared to lead the lodge into the months and years to come.

Of course we will continue to follow all directives and edicts as good and true Brothers but although “Masonry never stops” is the current mantra, “slowing to a crawl” is not what I had envisioned at all. There are still lodges doing things here and there and some charitable giving etc. but time is that we need the Brotherhood and companionship face to face (albeit with covered faces) more then ever.

So I will say if you are feeling healthy and would like to attend please join us over the coming weeks and months as we begin our work anew to prepare our Jr officers for Mastership.

Holiday greetings!



These is no doubt 2020 has been a year to remember or forget, depending on your perspective. The one thing that can possibly put a good light to this year is a nice, happy and healthy holidays for all.


So I would like to wish each and all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And for those celebrating Hanukkah this season, Hanukkah Sameach!


As we move forward into 2021 know that there have been quite a few improvements at the Lodge and I am pleased that we can at least take the time to get these maintenance items done while nobody of at the Lodge. If you have a little time on weekends to join in the painting, fixing, etc. grab your mask and head on down. Look for notice from the Secretary when these fixit parties will take place.


I am looking forward to getting back to normal lodge meeting, hopefully soon after the new year. In the mean time there is zoom meetings and just keeping in touch with each other. Look toward your Brothers in the Lodge and email, text, call one another now and then.




V:.W:. Bill Arnold


Potunk Lodge #1071

From the East Summer 2020

Due to the ongoing situation and the Grand Master’s edict, the Lodge has been holding “unofficial meetings” on ZOOM for any member who would like to participate. If you would like to be included in the Riverhead mailing add yourself to the Riverhead All members mailing list.

You can find that here -> Riverhead Lodge All members Mail List

Just add your email and each time the Master, Secretary or officer sends out and email of relevance to all members you will get a copy.


Stay Safe and Stay healthy.

From the East Sep-Oct 2018

Greetings from the East,

My Brothers I hope you are enjoying your summer. I want to thank all the brothers and our families, for all the help making our barbecue a success. It was great to see everyone and our children enjoying the day. We even had a guest appearance from our very own Jewish cowboy Bro. Meyer Segal. I want to thank the Great Architect for holding back the rain so that we could enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship.

I want to thank Bro. Wayne Lossee for putting together an evening at the lodge and for discussing Masonic values. I all in attendance enjoyed it.

I think it was a great idea. Beginning in September I plan on opening the lodge on the second Tuesday of each month allowing you my brothers to come to lodge and discuss any topics you would like. It is also and opportunity for any brother who would like to work on ritual or learn the chairs.

Looking forward, we will confer the Fellowcraft degree September 18. Starting time will be 7 PM. We will be hosting in conjunction with Dongan Patent Lodge #1134, the Apron Presentation for our own R:.W:. Matthew Dinizio, DDGM R:.W:. Kevin McCauley. Looking forward to seeing all my brothers in September.

Fraternally Yours,

W:. Daniel Dunbar

From the East May-June 2018

Greetings From the East,

My Brothers this is our last communication before going dark; I can’t believe it went so fast!

Starting with our 150th celebration officiated by our Most Worshipful Jeffrey M. Williamson; we conferred all three degrees on our own, qualifying us once again for the Meacham award, well done my Brothers!

We raised two new Brothers and initiated two.

We hosted the Grand Lecturer R:.W:. Richard Kessler who gave a very compelling explanation on opening and closing on the different degrees. So much so that I had our lodge closed on the first degree, allowing our new initiates to stay in Lodge for closing and walking out with their new Brothers.

My Brothers once again, Riverhead Lodge held up its reputation for having fine collation. For that a very large thank you goes out to Brothers Dominic Peppaceno and George Staudt.

I want to thank W:. Larry Pfaff and all the Brothers for their time and effort in conferring degrees.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Stated Communication  May 15th, for our annual election.

My Brothers enjoy your summer, continue spreading the beneficent influences of our time-honored fraternity.


Fraternally Yours,

W:. Daniel Dunbar

Worshipful Master

From the East February 2018


Masonry is one of the organizations that have existed for over 300 years. We have been successful because we maintained our culture, values and tradition, and we will progress when we are able to adjust and adapt to the social, cultural and technological developments in our society. We want to deliver a meaningful Masonic education and ethical values to our new Brothers, we want them to have
a satisfying experience in our fraternity. The new Brothers should feel welcome to our lodge that they have a faithful friend and Brother. Communication had been neglected in the past, but soon we will have a functioning website, and be able to update the developments in the lodge’s calendar of activities, e-mail, and Facebook and message center.

We have Brothers who will help do a survey to determine how we can best serve our Brothers and help encourage them to attend the meetings. A survey will be conducted to find out how or why our Brothers are missing at the meeting. It could be health issues, financial problems, job relocation, family
needs, or even some personal disagreement with our Brothers. We should focus to make a petitioner a Mason and friend when he joins. We hope the NorthStar program will retain more brothers, who will be enthusiastic to attend the meetings to see their friends and Brothers at the Lodge.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is a success.” Henry Ford (Zion Lodge no.1).

The post From the East February 2018 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.