LIPMA Annual Meeting and District Investiture
The Annual LIPMA meeting and Suffolk District Investiture are right around the corner. The last 3 years have certainly been challenging and sometimes a bit frustrating. But we, through the hard work and dedication of many, persevered and in some ways even flourished.
As we wind up another Masonic season and the newly elected Masters of the Suffolk Masonic District gather to be invested with the secrets of the Chair, we look forward to what new leadership will bring to the table and build up the foundations of what has come before.
The investiture schedule and details can be found on the events page here -> LIPMA Annual Meeting/District Investiture – Suffolk Masonic District (
Dinner tickets are on sale now.
The Masters-elect attending will be guests of the LIPMA but should RSVP your attendance to the President of the LIPMA – V:.W:. William Arnold – [email protected]
Please see the event page for further detail. All those not on the investing team arrival time is 3 PM Sharp (LIPMA opens their business meeting)
Members of the Investing team should arrive before 2 PM for the rehearsal.
Dinner will be 6:30 PM for all those with paid ticket.
All Masters -elect should also (either through their Lodge or individually) submit their application to join the LIPMA and their dues, this can be done here ->
You can pay online or print the app and mail or bring with you with a check for the dues.
Your application will be read and if accepted a lifetime membership.