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September-December 2024 from the East


I hope all had a pleasant break. We’ve had our first meeting of the season in the collation room; however, the Lodge room facelift is just about complete. We’re diving in headfirst this year and will be going full steam until June. Our first meeting was a bit different in that we did it Festive board style. It was interesting to say the least. Br. JW Dominick cooked up a nice meal and we ate and had our meeting. Bro. SW Pete gave the Masonic Education on the history of Riverhead Lodge. If you would like to recap this or missed the meeting, you can find all that info here -> History of Riverhead Lodge.

As many now know the Tri-Lodge Pig Roast is next up on the agenda. if you haven’t gotten your tickets or rsvp’d already, please go to 2024 Tri-Lodge Pig Roast to purchase advanced tickets for $35/ea. or RSVP to pay at the door $40. It’s shaping up to be a great afternoon. If you would be interested in helping to get everything setup and tear down, we’ll be gathering at ~8 AM to start and the party end at 6 Pm so anyone who can stay after to help clean up would be appreciated.

Our Tuesday, Sept. 17th Stated Communication will feature a guest speaker, R:.W:. Mike LaRocca, Director of the Robert Livingston Library at Grand Lodge will be giving us a great lecture with some special artifacts to present. Don’t miss this one! Collation will begin at 6 Pm and the Lodge will open at 7:30 PM. Attire for the evening will be business.

Any who have taken the Master’s Chair or has been elected and served in the East of a Masonic Lodge will confirm that a Master’s trestleboard is ever changing and evolving sometimes on the fly. I had planned for a degree in October, but I will need to switch things around a bit. It seems we’ll be doing a 2nd degree in November instead, please look for announcement and rehearsals for that degree. This will merge some new brothers into one class for the 2nd degree.

In its place for October we’ll be hosting another guest speaker, W:. Ron Seifried, Past Master, Author and speaker on October 15th.  As for October 1st communication, as of this writing, I am planning a fun event, Masonic Jeopardy (aka are you smarter than an EA edition). This will be open to all Brothers as it will be 1st degree safe.

November look to be just as energetic with our first meeting falling on sever remarkable dates. First, it’s election day so if you plan on voting in the general election, this is the day. It’s also my oldest daughter’s birthday so this Nov. 5th will be a step-up night. All officers will advance up one chair and do the work (preferably with no books), I’ll know trust me.

Between Tuesday Nov. 5th and the 19th, I’ll be scheduling a rehearsal for the 2nd degree. Please speak up and volunteer to take a role in the degree so I don’t have to voluntold anyone.

December will be our Tri-Lodge Christmas Brunch as we have done the last few years. The date of this event is TBD and will be put on the BAND and Riverhead Lodge calendar. Our 2nd meeting on Dec. 17th, I am planning on a Lodge Holiday gathering that our spouses or significant others can come and have dinner with us. The officers and will hold very abbreviated meeting to satisfy our charter and GL rules, then rejoin those downstairs.


Riverhead Lodge room Facelift


It’s been a long journey for all involved. Here we are in September and the Lodge room renovation and redesign are 99% complete. I would like to acknowledge those Brothers who went the extra mile and donated time and materials to the project. As well W:. Bobby Abel who kicked off the Project during his Mastership. Bro. Ezra Fife who put in untold amounts of his own time and expertise in getting the ceiling and arrange the hardwood floors. The Bothers of Peconic Lodge who funded the ceiling and lighting. R:.W:. Bob Licata for getting the carpet in perfectly. Thank you also to the Brothers who came out on a Sunday to help move everything back into the Lodge room, Bro. Pat, Bro. Charles (who kept us fat and happy with donuts and bagels), Bro. Kenny, W:. Dan and even R:.W:. Matt was on hand to give everyone a hard time. The list just goes on and on. When we come together as a Lodge there is nothing we cannot tackle.  So below will be a short slideshow of the Lodge room through the renovation start to finish.

You can click on any of the images below in the slideshow to enlarge them. More pics will be added so stay tuned!

So, as we continue to improve ourselves as well as the Lodge let us enjoy the new Lodge room. Several other improvements have also been backed into the facelift of the Lodge that may not be as apparent. W:. Charle Monte also put in many hours of work with the electrical, new all switches that allow us to control the lighting for effect during degrees as well as a new speaker and sound system that should also help with degrees and presentations. I’m sure that those that now sit in the east during special events and presentation will breathe a sigh of relief as there is no longer a large speaker behind their heads.

A new meshed Wi-Fi system is installed in the Lodge room. The new system allows for a greater signal strength throughout the building and spilt networks. There is one network for Lodge devices and members, and another for Lodge guests. There are small, framed signs in the collation room with a QR code for guests to scan to join the Riverhead Lodge guest wi-fi. If you are a Lodge member the password is the same, the name of the network has changed.

if you are connecting to the Lodge network/Wi-Fi, you can used either if you are just using internet. If you plan to access Lodge equipment, printers, etc. you will need to be on the “Riverhead Lodge Wi-Fi” with the old password. If you don’t know it, please see a Lodge officer to get you logged in.

Happy Independance Day to all!

Brothers and friends,

Happy Independance Day! As we celebrate the birth of our nation this July 4th, please take a moment to remember all those who conceived of and brought forth this great nation. The sacrifices made and lives lost in achieving our independence.  Enjoy the festivities and always give thanks to the brave men and woman who built this country.

In just a few weeks we will be having out Lodge BBQ and just before that, a Summoned Communication of Riverhead and Peconic Lodges jointly. The Communiation will commence at 10 am and the BBQ will kick off at 12 noon. Hopefully we’ll have a lot to celebrate as our two lodges come together in unity.

I am looking forward to seeing many members of both lodge and their families at the BBQ and enjoying the day.

Important update from W:. Peppaceno



On behalf of the Worshipful Master, Dominick Peppaceno:


The 1st degree that was planned for Tuesday, Nov. 1st, will be postponed to another date to be announced soon. The Lodge will open and close on Tuesday, November 1st and we’ll proceed to the Funeral Service for our departed Brother Jerry Shaw from there.


Details on the funeral service will be sent as soon as they are received.




V:.W:. Bill Arnold

Jr. Warden

Riverhead Lodge #645

From the East Summer 2020

Due to the ongoing situation and the Grand Master’s edict, the Lodge has been holding “unofficial meetings” on ZOOM for any member who would like to participate. If you would like to be included in the Riverhead mailing add yourself to the Riverhead All members mailing list.

You can find that here -> Riverhead Lodge All members Mail List

Just add your email and each time the Master, Secretary or officer sends out and email of relevance to all members you will get a copy.


Stay Safe and Stay healthy.

From the Secretaries Desk Sep-Oct 2018


Looking forward to seeing you all for another great Masonic year. I hope the the summer kept you all well, and that you all enjoyed all that we had on our beautiful island.

Fraternally Yours,

Bro. Peter J. Psyllos


From the East Sep-Oct 2018

Greetings from the East,

My Brothers I hope you are enjoying your summer. I want to thank all the brothers and our families, for all the help making our barbecue a success. It was great to see everyone and our children enjoying the day. We even had a guest appearance from our very own Jewish cowboy Bro. Meyer Segal. I want to thank the Great Architect for holding back the rain so that we could enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship.

I want to thank Bro. Wayne Lossee for putting together an evening at the lodge and for discussing Masonic values. I all in attendance enjoyed it.

I think it was a great idea. Beginning in September I plan on opening the lodge on the second Tuesday of each month allowing you my brothers to come to lodge and discuss any topics you would like. It is also and opportunity for any brother who would like to work on ritual or learn the chairs.

Looking forward, we will confer the Fellowcraft degree September 18. Starting time will be 7 PM. We will be hosting in conjunction with Dongan Patent Lodge #1134, the Apron Presentation for our own R:.W:. Matthew Dinizio, DDGM R:.W:. Kevin McCauley. Looking forward to seeing all my brothers in September.

Fraternally Yours,

W:. Daniel Dunbar

From the West Sep-Oct 2018

Aug. 22, 2018 – The North Star program is having a class for all Brothers going to the East. The class is required to become Master.

Sept. 4th, 2018 – Our first meeting of the year. This meeting will be a “Rusty Brother” night. Come and recollect what you need to remember for the Lodge (in case you are a bit rusty on the opening and closing of the Lodge).

Sept. 18th, 2018 – We will be hosting a Second Degree for 2 Brothers from our Lodge and 2 Brothers from Peconic Lodge. Please make and effort to be there.

We had a great turnout for the BBQ! Thank you all who attended. Enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe. See you in September!


R:.W:. John Findlay

From the South Sept-Oct 2018


I hope that you have had a relaxing summer with family, friends and loved ones! I know that it definitely flew by quickly as we start a new Masonic year. We had a very fun and successful Lodge BBQ at the end of July which all who attended enjoyed the day and fellowship! I look forward to working with all of you in the quarries of Free masonry! God bless you, your family, the Fraternity & May God Bless the United States of America!

Fraternally Yours,

W:. Mike Sokel

From the East May-June 2018

Greetings From the East,

My Brothers this is our last communication before going dark; I can’t believe it went so fast!

Starting with our 150th celebration officiated by our Most Worshipful Jeffrey M. Williamson; we conferred all three degrees on our own, qualifying us once again for the Meacham award, well done my Brothers!

We raised two new Brothers and initiated two.

We hosted the Grand Lecturer R:.W:. Richard Kessler who gave a very compelling explanation on opening and closing on the different degrees. So much so that I had our lodge closed on the first degree, allowing our new initiates to stay in Lodge for closing and walking out with their new Brothers.

My Brothers once again, Riverhead Lodge held up its reputation for having fine collation. For that a very large thank you goes out to Brothers Dominic Peppaceno and George Staudt.

I want to thank W:. Larry Pfaff and all the Brothers for their time and effort in conferring degrees.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Stated Communication  May 15th, for our annual election.

My Brothers enjoy your summer, continue spreading the beneficent influences of our time-honored fraternity.


Fraternally Yours,

W:. Daniel Dunbar

Worshipful Master