Entries by webmaster

From the Suffolk District DDGM Sept 2024

Dear Brethren,

I hope this communication finds you well and eager to get back into the Quarries.  Your Suffolk Masonic District Team is very excited to get our term started and thanks to The M:.W:. Steven Adam Rubin, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York we have some excellent programs for us to get out to our District.

To accomplish this, he has established seven pillars, to serve as the guide during our labors: Our Three Precious Jewels, Grand Lodge Leadership, Masonic Education, Membership Value, Masonic Lodge and Building Governance, Masonic Communication and Social Responsibility and New York Masonic History. The district team is focused on our responsibilities and stands ready to assist our lodges in any way needed. Much more information will be distributed as the year progresses.


Below, our District Deputy Grand Masters visits are listed for this year. I encourage you to attend as many visits as your cable toe will allow.

  • Star of the East, October 10th
  • Wamponamon Lodge, October 17th
  • Alcyone Lodge October 22nd
  • The Lodge of Antiquity, November 14th
  • Potunk Lodge, November 21st
  • Old Town Lodge, December 9th
  • Jephtha Lodge, December 9th
  • Suffolk 60, December 19th.


Being appointed as the District Deputy Grand Master for the Suffolk Masonic District is very humbling and the Responsibility and Obligation that comes with this appointment is something I will work very hard to accomplish.


May the Great Architect of the Universe bless this craft and all our brothers.



R:.W:. Robert J. Licata

DDGM Suffolk District