2024 is coming to a close in less than 30 days. Hard to believe the Masonic season is almost half over. Lots of activity within Riverhead Lodge lately and just about all of it good. We have been busy up in the Lodge room with full renovations of the Lodge. If you haven’t seen it yet, well you should come out to a meeting and have a look, it’s spectacular. With that a huge thank you goes out to all the Brothers involved in getting this done. Bro. Ezra Fife did a wonderful job on the ceiling and W:. Charlie Monte getting the lights and sound done. There are many others to thank and still more work to do. The outer room will also be done eventually as well. We are also looking at getting a plan together for the kitchen. Mainly to have better organization and storage in the kitchen.
We’ll be conferring the Fellowcraft degree tonight, Tuesday, December 3rd on 3 Entered Apprentices, dinner will be 6-7:30 PM.
December 17th will be a Table Lodge downstairs; members may dress casually and wear those coveted “ugly Christmas sweaters” for the meeting.
Saturday, December 21st will be the Tri-Lodge Christmas/Holiday party. It’s Riverhead Lodge’s turn at bat for this party and we have secured a visit from Santa to deliver toys for the boys and girls that attend. this will be from 10-2 PM so a holiday brunch menu will be offered.
The official Visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, R:.W:. Robert Licata to Riverhead Lodge #645, will occur on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025.
I am planning on running the Master Mason degree sometime late March or early April so please keep a lookout for that announcement.
Finally, my brothers I would like to thank all the members of Riverhead and Peconic Lodge’s for all the help and work that has been done in and about the Lodge in the last few months. It is a great pleasure to work with you all.