September-December 2024 from the East


I hope all had a pleasant break. We’ve had our first meeting of the season in the collation room; however, the Lodge room facelift is just about complete. We’re diving in headfirst this year and will be going full steam until June. Our first meeting was a bit different in that we did it Festive board style. It was interesting to say the least. Br. JW Dominick cooked up a nice meal and we ate and had our meeting. Bro. SW Pete gave the Masonic Education on the history of Riverhead Lodge. If you would like to recap this or missed the meeting, you can find all that info here -> History of Riverhead Lodge.

As many now know the Tri-Lodge Pig Roast is next up on the agenda. if you haven’t gotten your tickets or rsvp’d already, please go to 2024 Tri-Lodge Pig Roast to purchase advanced tickets for $35/ea. or RSVP to pay at the door $40. It’s shaping up to be a great afternoon. If you would be interested in helping to get everything setup and tear down, we’ll be gathering at ~8 AM to start and the party end at 6 Pm so anyone who can stay after to help clean up would be appreciated.

Our Tuesday, Sept. 17th Stated Communication will feature a guest speaker, R:.W:. Mike LaRocca, Director of the Robert Livingston Library at Grand Lodge will be giving us a great lecture with some special artifacts to present. Don’t miss this one! Collation will begin at 6 Pm and the Lodge will open at 7:30 PM. Attire for the evening will be business.

Any who have taken the Master’s Chair or has been elected and served in the East of a Masonic Lodge will confirm that a Master’s trestleboard is ever changing and evolving sometimes on the fly. I had planned for a degree in October, but I will need to switch things around a bit. It seems we’ll be doing a 2nd degree in November instead, please look for announcement and rehearsals for that degree. This will merge some new brothers into one class for the 2nd degree.

In its place for October we’ll be hosting another guest speaker, W:. Ron Seifried, Past Master, Author and speaker on October 15th.  As for October 1st communication, as of this writing, I am planning a fun event, Masonic Jeopardy (aka are you smarter than an EA edition). This will be open to all Brothers as it will be 1st degree safe.

November look to be just as energetic with our first meeting falling on sever remarkable dates. First, it’s election day so if you plan on voting in the general election, this is the day. It’s also my oldest daughter’s birthday so this Nov. 5th will be a step-up night. All officers will advance up one chair and do the work (preferably with no books), I’ll know trust me.

Between Tuesday Nov. 5th and the 19th, I’ll be scheduling a rehearsal for the 2nd degree. Please speak up and volunteer to take a role in the degree so I don’t have to voluntold anyone.

December will be our Tri-Lodge Christmas Brunch as we have done the last few years. The date of this event is TBD and will be put on the BAND and Riverhead Lodge calendar. Our 2nd meeting on Dec. 17th, I am planning on a Lodge Holiday gathering that our spouses or significant others can come and have dinner with us. The officers and will hold very abbreviated meeting to satisfy our charter and GL rules, then rejoin those downstairs.


Riverhead Lodge room Facelift


It’s been a long journey for all involved. Here we are in September and the Lodge room renovation and redesign are 99% complete. I would like to acknowledge those Brothers who went the extra mile and donated time and materials to the project. As well W:. Bobby Abel who kicked off the Project during his Mastership. Bro. Ezra Fife who put in untold amounts of his own time and expertise in getting the ceiling and arrange the hardwood floors. The Bothers of Peconic Lodge who funded the ceiling and lighting. R:.W:. Bob Licata for getting the carpet in perfectly. Thank you also to the Brothers who came out on a Sunday to help move everything back into the Lodge room, Bro. Pat, Bro. Charles (who kept us fat and happy with donuts and bagels), Bro. Kenny, W:. Dan and even R:.W:. Matt was on hand to give everyone a hard time. The list just goes on and on. When we come together as a Lodge there is nothing we cannot tackle.  So below will be a short slideshow of the Lodge room through the renovation start to finish.

You can click on any of the images below in the slideshow to enlarge them. More pics will be added so stay tuned!

So, as we continue to improve ourselves as well as the Lodge let us enjoy the new Lodge room. Several other improvements have also been backed into the facelift of the Lodge that may not be as apparent. W:. Charle Monte also put in many hours of work with the electrical, new all switches that allow us to control the lighting for effect during degrees as well as a new speaker and sound system that should also help with degrees and presentations. I’m sure that those that now sit in the east during special events and presentation will breathe a sigh of relief as there is no longer a large speaker behind their heads.

A new meshed Wi-Fi system is installed in the Lodge room. The new system allows for a greater signal strength throughout the building and spilt networks. There is one network for Lodge devices and members, and another for Lodge guests. There are small, framed signs in the collation room with a QR code for guests to scan to join the Riverhead Lodge guest wi-fi. If you are a Lodge member the password is the same, the name of the network has changed.

if you are connecting to the Lodge network/Wi-Fi, you can used either if you are just using internet. If you plan to access Lodge equipment, printers, etc. you will need to be on the “Riverhead Lodge Wi-Fi” with the old password. If you don’t know it, please see a Lodge officer to get you logged in.

From the Secretary’s Desk September 2024

As we return to our labors this fall, I look forward to seeing everyone in the Lodge.  We have our first fellowship event of the fall on September 28th with our Whisky & Cigar BBQ.  Please come out, even if it has been awhile, your Brothers would love to see you!
In regards to the Secretary’s Desk, please continue to reach out if I can be of any support.  Whether it be relief, ideas or just to chat, I look forward to hearing from you all.

Thanks & Fraternal Regards,
W:. Scott K. Parry
Secretary – Smithtown Lodge No. 1127
(631) 603-5273

The post From the Secretary’s Desk September 2024 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the South September 2024

Hi brothers from sunny Florida! Hope all brothers had a great summer and lots of fun. Florida weather hasn’t been great. It rained like clockwork at 12 noon thereabouts so there’s no need to wear a watch. Can’t wait to get started with this year‘s program finishing up a3degree and starting the cycle again. Hopefully we will have new candidates for our first degree. From the AGL side, there are a lot of new ideas suggested by the GL to make degrees a lot easier and fill parts. When I get back, I wanna concentrate on opening and closing the Lodge and the floor work for degrees.  Stay well, my brothers and see you in September as the song goes!

Junior Warden Stu Smith

The post From the South September 2024 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the West September 2024


As the sun sets in the east a little earlier each day, it signals the time to gather for our calling from the east. I am eagerly anticipating our reunion and the opportunity to share stories from our summer journeys.

With the arrival of the New Year, we welcome a new Master of the Lodge and a calendar brimming with degrees, rituals, and teachings. Your continued support in promoting Masonic values and increasing our membership is vital to our success.

Looking forward to your participation and contributions.


Edward Matuszak
Senior Warden

The post From the West September 2024 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the East September 2024


As summer draws to a close and we prepare to embark on a new Masonic year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the past few months and look forward to what lies ahead.

Our summer break has been a time for relaxation and renewal, with our social nights providing a wonderful opportunity to connect and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. I hope you all enjoyed these gatherings and found them as fulfilling as I did.

Now, as we step into September, we’re ready to resume our regular meetings and activities with renewed energy and enthusiasm. This is a time for new beginnings and a chance to set our goals for the upcoming year. I’m excited to lead our Lodge as your Worshipful Master and am eager to work together with each of you to continue our journey of personal growth and the betterment of our Lodge.

We have an exciting year ahead, filled with opportunities for both personal and collective achievements. I encourage all of you to bring your ideas, enthusiasm, and commitment as we dive into our new Masonic year. Let’s work together to make it a year of meaningful progress and fellowship.

Wishing you all a smooth transition back into our Lodge activities. I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting of the year and to a productive and rewarding year ahead.

W.: William R. Hanson Worshipful Master

The post From the East September 2024 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.