From the Secretary’s Desk March-April 2018


I would like to thank you all for making the dues process un-painful! We are almost through winter and heading towards spring. Hopefully the better weather will bring more Brothers together.

Fraternally yours,

Bro. Peter . Psyllos


From the South February 2018

It was great to see everyone who turned out for our recent Social Night (Jan31st) enjoying the Fraternity and Brotherhood (and food)! I also want to thank those Brothers who pitched-in at the start and

I’m open to creative suggestions, and critiques. What’s even more important to stress is that assistance is always appreciated. I look forward to seeing you in Lodge and as we gather for friendly conversation, at the same time enjoying YOUR company.
Be well, my Brothers.


W:. Gil Kruse, JW

The post From the South February 2018 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the West February 2018

Greeting my Brothers,

I want to remind all the Brothers of the lodge that we still need help on Saturday and Sunday at the Northport VA and the VA nursing home on the Stony Brook campus. You have my number so please give me a call if you want to help! I encourage your input and if you have an idea as to how to bring more Brothers out to the Lodge on meeting nights please, please tell the Master or any of the officers.

Some ideas have been to have more social nights during the month. What are your thoughts ? If you’re
interested in getting into the line, please let us know The Master and the Lodge as a whole need your participation and feedback in this matter to survive. In closing, I want to extend the best all the brethren of Smithtown # 1127 if you have a Masonic birthday this month.

Remember Masonry is a “Way of Life”.


Bro. Stu Smith, SW

The post From the West February 2018 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.

From the East February 2018


Masonry is one of the organizations that have existed for over 300 years. We have been successful because we maintained our culture, values and tradition, and we will progress when we are able to adjust and adapt to the social, cultural and technological developments in our society. We want to deliver a meaningful Masonic education and ethical values to our new Brothers, we want them to have
a satisfying experience in our fraternity. The new Brothers should feel welcome to our lodge that they have a faithful friend and Brother. Communication had been neglected in the past, but soon we will have a functioning website, and be able to update the developments in the lodge’s calendar of activities, e-mail, and Facebook and message center.

We have Brothers who will help do a survey to determine how we can best serve our Brothers and help encourage them to attend the meetings. A survey will be conducted to find out how or why our Brothers are missing at the meeting. It could be health issues, financial problems, job relocation, family
needs, or even some personal disagreement with our Brothers. We should focus to make a petitioner a Mason and friend when he joins. We hope the NorthStar program will retain more brothers, who will be enthusiastic to attend the meetings to see their friends and Brothers at the Lodge.

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is a success.” Henry Ford (Zion Lodge no.1).

The post From the East February 2018 first appeared on Smithtownlodge1127.