Suffolk #60 Cigar Dinner

Saturday October 27, 2018 – 7pm

60.00 perspn

includes premium Cigars

Prime Rib Dinner, including roasted potatoes, asparagus, pumpkin pie desert, tap beer, wine, soda, and coffee.

Cash bar available

RSVP Chris Connolly 917-749-3967   email – [email protected]


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From the Secretaries Desk Sep-Oct 2018


Looking forward to seeing you all for another great Masonic year. I hope the the summer kept you all well, and that you all enjoyed all that we had on our beautiful island.

Fraternally Yours,

Bro. Peter J. Psyllos


From the East Sep-Oct 2018

Greetings from the East,

My Brothers I hope you are enjoying your summer. I want to thank all the brothers and our families, for all the help making our barbecue a success. It was great to see everyone and our children enjoying the day. We even had a guest appearance from our very own Jewish cowboy Bro. Meyer Segal. I want to thank the Great Architect for holding back the rain so that we could enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship.

I want to thank Bro. Wayne Lossee for putting together an evening at the lodge and for discussing Masonic values. I all in attendance enjoyed it.

I think it was a great idea. Beginning in September I plan on opening the lodge on the second Tuesday of each month allowing you my brothers to come to lodge and discuss any topics you would like. It is also and opportunity for any brother who would like to work on ritual or learn the chairs.

Looking forward, we will confer the Fellowcraft degree September 18. Starting time will be 7 PM. We will be hosting in conjunction with Dongan Patent Lodge #1134, the Apron Presentation for our own R:.W:. Matthew Dinizio, DDGM R:.W:. Kevin McCauley. Looking forward to seeing all my brothers in September.

Fraternally Yours,

W:. Daniel Dunbar

From the West Sep-Oct 2018

Aug. 22, 2018 – The North Star program is having a class for all Brothers going to the East. The class is required to become Master.

Sept. 4th, 2018 – Our first meeting of the year. This meeting will be a “Rusty Brother” night. Come and recollect what you need to remember for the Lodge (in case you are a bit rusty on the opening and closing of the Lodge).

Sept. 18th, 2018 – We will be hosting a Second Degree for 2 Brothers from our Lodge and 2 Brothers from Peconic Lodge. Please make and effort to be there.

We had a great turnout for the BBQ! Thank you all who attended. Enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe. See you in September!


R:.W:. John Findlay

From the South Sept-Oct 2018


I hope that you have had a relaxing summer with family, friends and loved ones! I know that it definitely flew by quickly as we start a new Masonic year. We had a very fun and successful Lodge BBQ at the end of July which all who attended enjoyed the day and fellowship! I look forward to working with all of you in the quarries of Free masonry! God bless you, your family, the Fraternity & May God Bless the United States of America!

Fraternally Yours,

W:. Mike Sokel