Message from the East
I hope this Trestle Board finds you well. Our Masonic year is rapidly coming to a close, and I wanted to take the time to thank each of you for your support and assistance over these past few months.
Although we have been busy this year, and successful in many of our endeavors, there is still much to do and I hope that we can continue to work together to achieve our many goals in Masonry and for Connetquot. As a Lodge, we have continued our community efforts through increased volunteerism at the Northport VA, ongoing collections of food donations for the Sayville Food Pantry & Holiday Thanksgiving Baskets, as well as providing a temporary meeting space for the displaced Sayville Village Improvement Society. I cannot sufficiently express my pride in – and gratitude toward – those Brothers who have given so much of themselves to make these efforts succeed.
I would also like to announce that Connetquot Lodge’s 2,000th Stated Communication will occur on March 26th. In recognition of this auspicious event, the Lodge will open early at 7:00 PM to hold its regular business meeting. As soon as regular Lodge business is concluded, the Lodge will be closed for a Special Program and Public Ceremony at 8:00 PM.
I am even more proud to announce that our very own Past Master, W∴ Jon Agnes, has been acknowledged for his commitment to Connetquot Lodge # 838 by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York with the Dedicated Service Aware (DSA), the highest honor a Lodge may bestow upon a Brother. As part of the evening’s program, W∴ Agnes will be formally presented with this honor. In addition, Mrs. Walter Sutorius, the widow of our Past Master, and W∴ Agnes’ mother-in-law, will be officially presented with W∴ Sutorius’ “55 Year” anniversary pin.
The evening will also include a Special Program with an interesting accounting of many of the Lodge’s past Brethren and their role in the history of Sayville and the surrounding community. The program will conclude with coffee and cake downstairs. I urge you all to attend this one-time event!!
**Family & Friends Welcome**
Wishing you All a Healthy & Happy New Year!
Cordially & Fraternally,
W∴ Terry Maccarrone