Message from the East


With the Holidays behind us, I am looking forward to the New Year, and appreciating what we have to be thankful for over the past four months. When I began in my new position as Worshipful Master, I had no idea of what to truly expect. With some trepidation, I stood before you and began my journey, but I was elated to see that what I had hoped to only touch on, was met with a very positive surge of support. My one hope was to bring a sense of unity to the Lodge, and with total cooperation from the entire body, I have been pleased to see the brothers come together in so many ways.

We have welcomed new Master Masons into our fold, and are looking forward to a new group beginning their Masonic Apprenticeship. I hope to have their third degree completed before we break for the summer, but time will be tight. However, Connetquot Lodge has always been able to make things happen, and I’m sure that we will rise to the occasion once more.

I was also very happy to see the Lodge filled during the District Deputy’s visit. We had so many visitors from other lodges within the District; many of them Worshipful Masters of who I had the pleasure to attend their installations. On that note, I would like to encourage everyone to visit other lodges within the District, or even to other Districts. Every lodge enjoys having other Lodge members attend their meetings, and by showing our support for them, it fosters brotherly love, friendship, and perpetuates Masonic understanding and unity.

Our Fellowship Club had elections recently and I congratulate the new officers. Bro∴ John Donato has taken over as President, with Bro∴ Alex Winters as Vice President. The new Secretary is Bro∴ Avi Dicken, and the Treasury is still in the very capable hands of Bro∴ Paul Rosskamp. Bro∴ Terry Maccarrone has been very instrumental in getting new activities started, and with meetings only once a month, the membership has had more time to just enjoy hanging out, and having a good time.

So as we move forward, I want to say that with your support, and encouragement, I will continue to move our lodge in a positive direction. I would ask each of you to reach out to a Brother you may know who has not been at Lodge recently and try to help rekindle the flame within him.

I have seen us take the tiller of our ship and turn it to the wind, allowing us to take a heading towards a bright future. While there may be some rough seas ahead, I know that by staying our course we will arrive at the port of success.

May the blessings of Heaven be with us all.

Attested to, R∴W∴ Richard L. Frenz – Secretary
Fraternally, W∴ Raymond Kopeck – Master